Washington, WA $40,950 Massachusetts, MA $40,740 North Carolina, NC $39,920 How Much Do Physical Therapy Aides Make in Your City? See current salary offers for jobs in your field. Find Jobs Average Physical Therapist Aide Pay vs. Other Best Jobs Physical Therapist Aides earned an average...
We analyze data about salary, unemployment rate and growth prospects to select the top jobs of the year. U.S. News StaffJan. 14, 2025 Best Jobs Why Nurse Practitioner Is No. 1 Nurse practitioners are an indispensable part of the health care system. ...
Average physical therapist annual salaries by state StateSalary / Year California $115,550 New York $97,780 Florida $96,970 Texas $104,060 Pennsylvania $100,240 Illinois $102,820 Ohio $98,440 Georgia $99,890 North Carolina $94,830 Michigan $99,220 National Average$97,485 ...
Physical therapist salary Physical therapist salaries vary depending on education level, years of experience, work environment, and location, among other factors. Themedian annual wage for physical therapists was $97,720External link:open_in_newin May 2022, according to the BLS. ...
Find out more about the average physical therapist salary and learn where the best-paying metropolitan areas are for a physical therapists across the country.
Physical therapist assistants, sometimes called PTAs, and physical therapist aides work under the direction and supervision of physical therapists. They help patients who are recovering from injuries and illnesses to regain movement and manage pain. Physical therapist assistants are involved in the direct...
Most physical therapist assistants and aides work in physical therapists’ offices or in hospitals. Physical therapist assistants and aides are frequently on their feet and moving as they set up equipment and help care for patients. How to Become a Physical Therapist Assistant or Aide ...
Overall Salary of $58,000 All kinesiologists earned an average salary of $58,000 as of 2014, according to Indeed. Physical therapists, who are required to have doctoral degrees in physical therapy, help patients overcome pain and injuries by guiding them through stretching and strength-building...
Physical Therapist Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images An undergraduate kinesiology degree can lead to a graduate degree in physical therapy. PTs diagnose and treat individuals for conditions and injuries that limit their participation in daily activities. Though not doctors, they often work with medical...
Keywords: physical therapy;physical therapist;outcome measures;survey