Physical Therapist Aides earned an average salary of $34,810 in 2023. Comparable jobs earned the following average salary in 2023: Physical Therapists made $100,440, Physical Therapist Assistants made $65,860, Medical Assistants made $43,350, and Occupational Therapy Aides made $42,060. 150,00...
We analyze data about salary, unemployment rate and growth prospects to select the top jobs of the year. U.S. News StaffJan. 14, 2025 Best Jobs Why Nurse Practitioner Is No. 1 Nurse practitioners are an indispensable part of the health care system. ...
Physical Therapist (在职员工) - Denver, CO - 2019年1月11日 Great place to work. Very competitive salary with bonus structure. The people are very nice and work as a team. I would recommend SCL Home Health to anyone. 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 ...
Physical Therapist (Current Employee) - Sunrise, FL - 14 March 2018 Travel Company that attempts to match lowest possible salary rate in area you’ll be assigned to however not that big on stipends if you’re an internationally based therapist vs US based therapists. Was this review helpf...
Find out more about the average physical therapist salary and learn where the best-paying metropolitan areas are for a physical therapists across the country.
How to Become a Physical Therapist Physical therapists entering the profession need a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. All states require physical therapists to be licensed. Job Outlook Employment of physical therapists is projected to grow 34 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than th...
Physical therapist assistants, sometimes called PTAs, and physical therapist aides work under the direction and supervision of physical therapists. They help patients who are recovering from injuries and illnesses to regain movement and manage pain. Physical therapist assistants are involved in the direct...
Used under the CC BY 4.0 license, this data is pulled from the most recent US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment & Earnings report (as of 10/16/2024), featuring the top states by use.Average physical therapist annual salaries by state StateSalary / Year California $115,550 New York...
Physical Therapist (在职员工) - New York State - 2023年8月22日 Very understanding team.Good work life balance.High patient flow but rewarding.Advocate for your salary.Good benefits.Flexible schedule.Work 1 Saturday every month with Friday off 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 ...
StateSalary / Year California $35,810 New York $35,550 Texas $28,370 Florida $33,460 Pennsylvania $34,170 Illinois $31,560 Ohio $32,480 Georgia $30,250 North Carolina $31,730 Michigan $29,630 National Average$31,627 How to write a physical therapist aide resume Physi...