CAMDEX: a standardised instrument for the diagnosis of mental disorder in the elderly with special reference to the early detection of dementia. Br J Psychiatry. 1986;149:698–709. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Download references Acknowledgements We appreciate all those who participated in ...
In: Current Population Reports, Special Studies. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1996:23-190. 2. Linn RT, Wolf PA, Bachman DL. et al. The "preclinical phase" of probable Alzheimer's disease: a 13-year prospective study of the Framingham cohort. Arch Neurol.1995;52:485-...
Another pattern that emerged (Theme 3) was the greater burden of co-occurring endocrine or reproductive health concerns in autistic girls/women (e.g., menstruation-related challenges, hormonal conditions, and ovarian cancer). Nevertheless, these findings should be viewed as preliminary, owing to the...
Ando M (2017) Response by the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) To the request for input by the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Ms. Catalina Devandas Aguilar, for her next report focused on the right to sexual and reproductive health...
Metrics Key Points Older patients (aged ≥70 years) with heart failure (HF) have substantially impaired physical function and poor clinical outcomes A comprehensive assessment of physical function is strongly recommended in this cohort, and should ideally include assessment of aerobic performance as well...
how memory content can mutate or, more gen- erally, transform during the simulation process. It is a stochastic process that originates and operates entirely within the memory system. In this sense, the deliberation of the agent is truly self-gen- erated and, as such, represents a step ...
The biggest flaw with this approach is that gearing ratios are defined for logical lines of source code not physical lines (which cloc counts). The values in cloc's 'scale' and '3rd gen. equiv.' columns should be taken with a large grain of salt....
specialType="" dynamicNameRef="" sourceColumnRef=""> <Description /> </PhysicalColumn> Example <PhysicalColumn mdsid="m80e86ae3-0bbb-0000-714b-e31d00000000" name="ReportDate" dataType="TIMESTAMP" scale="-127" specialType="none"
The »Special Physical Traumas« dealt with in this chapter differ from those listed under »Mechanical Trauma« (Chaps. 2–6) in their causes, even though their effects may sometimes be mechanical in nature (cf. pressure injury). This chapter...
Special Feature: Review Article Recent progress in basic research useful for the interpretation of ultrasound diagnostic images Open access Published: 28 August 2021 Volume 48, pages 403–414, (2021) Cite this article Download PDF You have full access to this open access article ...