Liver diseases such as fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, and/or liver cirrhosis, which is permanent scarring of liver tissue. Heart diseases, including high blood pressure, heart failure, arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat), or stroke. ...
物理诊断名词解释(Physicaldiagnosticterms) 1.Inquiring:itisadiagnosisofclinicaljudgmentbythe physicianthroughthesystematicinquiryofthepatientor relatedpersonneltoobtainthemedicalhistorydata. 2.Maincomplaint:themostimportantpainorthemostobvious symptoms(and)orsignsofthepatient,whichisthemost importantreasonforthevisit...
De Bruyn G and Graviss E: A systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of physical examination for the detection of cirrhosis. BME. Med. Inform. Disease, 2001; 1(1):6de Bruyn G, Graviss EA. A systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of physical examination for the detection of ...
The effusion may be attributed mistakenly to chronic health conditions, including cirrhosis and congestive heart failure. 3. Pleurisy with effusion in miliary TB Pleural effusions accompany 10-30% of miliary TB cases. [105, 106] The most common symptoms are as follows: Cough Pleutritic ...
身体全面检查项目(Fullphysicalexaminationitems)身体全面检查项目(Full physical examination items)[comprehensive examination] which items are included?Best answer 1. internal medicine examination: blood pressure, pulse, auscultation of heart and lung, chest, abdomen, touch, percussion and so on.2. ...
Severe Liver Fibrosis or Cirrhosis: Accuracy of US for Detection—Analysis of 300 Cases1 To determine the accuracy of various ultrasonographic (US) signs for assessment of the degree of liver fibrosis, with histologic results as reference stand... A Colli,M Fraquelli,M Andreoletti,... - 《...
nomorethan1yearsofsymptomfree;qualified; noseriouscomplicationsaftersubtotalhysterectomy; qualified. Seventhhepatitis Avarietyofacuteandchronichepatitis,notqualified. Eighthtumors,cirrhosis Avarietyofmalignanttumorsandcirrhosisoftheliver,not qualified. Ninthkidneys Acuteandchronicnephritis,chronicpyelonephritis, ...
Patients with ureteral diversion into the ileum can develop hyperkalemia due to reabsorption of secreted potassium. Ask about the use of medications that impair renal potassium excretion, as follows: Potassium-sparing diuretics, which are especially popular in the treatment of cirrhosis and chronic heart...
Sharpnose,sunkeneyes,droopingeyelids,hollowtemplesandcheeks,anddryroughenedskin,usu.seeninginhighlywastingdiseaseasmalignancy,indicativeofapproachingdeath.f.hepatica Athinfacewithsunkeneyeballs,sallowcomplexion,andyellowconjunctivae,characteristicofcertainchronicdisordersofliver(cirrhosis)Cushingoidf.Featuresmoonf.plethora...
The data presented herein of liver heterogeneity in response to hepatic injuries provide significant advances in our understanding of liver cell-based regenerative therapies for patients diagnosed with liver disorders, given the growing incidence of cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, fatty liver diseases, and ...