Physical Review Letters 影响因子:8.1 五年影响因子:8.3 出版周期:Weekly 期刊简介:PRL covers the...
synthesis, design, and modeling of materials; Crystal growth, film growth, crystallization, and kinetics; Magnetic, ferroelectric, multiferroic, and superconducting materials; Thin films, interfaces, surfaces, and heterostructures; Two-dimensional materials; Metamaterials and plasmonic, optical, and photonic ...
Review articleOpen access Alternating Current Electroluminescent Devices with Inorganic Phosphors for Deformable Displays Zhonglin Yang, Wenwen Wang, Jun Pan, Changhui Ye 21 October 2020 Article 100213 View PDF select article Ohmic Contact Engineering for Two-Dimensional Materials ...
Researchers present the evidence and mechanism of distinct phase transformation pathways in MAX phases under ion irradiation, providing a new theory and predictive method for phase behavior based on composition, advancing understanding of materials in extreme conditions. Shuang Zhao , Hao Xiao & Chenxu ...
A continuous-time random walk (CTRW) reactive transport model is used to study the impact of physical heterogeneity on the effective reaction rates in poro
Nature (2023) Hyperactive learning for data-driven interatomic potentials Cas van der Oord Matthias Sachs Gábor Csányi npj Computational Materials (2023) Exploring the configuration space of elemental carbon with empirical and machine learned interatomic potentials George A. Marchant Miguel A. Caro...
Physical Review Research Physical Review Research welcomes papers from the full spectrum of research topics of interest to the physics community. Research coverage in the journal comprises: fundamental and applied; theoretical and experimental, including technical and methodological advances; and ...
5-year Journal Impact Factor 2.5 (2023) Submission to first decision (median) 14 days Downloads 512,544 (2024) Calls for papers Collection Functional Neurons and Networks Generic neuron models provide easy way for exploring the dynamic characteristic in neural activities, distinct mode transition...
2023. "Therapeutic Physical Exercise Programs in the Context of NASH Cirrhosis and Liver Transplantation: A Systematic Review" Metabolites 13, no. 3: 330. APA Style Farrugia, M. A., Le Garf, S., Chierici, A., Piche, T., Gual, P., Iannelli, ...
Vucic, Vesna, Danijela Ristic-Medic, Aleksandra Arsic, Snjezana Petrovic, Marija Paunovic, Nadja Vasiljevic, and Jasminka Z. Ilich. 2023. "Nutrition and Physical Activity as Modulators of Osteosarcopenic Adiposity: A Scoping Review and Recommendations for Future Research"Nutrients15, no. 7: 1619....