Rehab. 3, 6 (2016). Article Google Scholar NeuroCom International. Balance Master operator’s manual. (Clackamas, OR, 2001). Pickerill, M. L. & Harter, R. A. Validity and reliability of limits-of-stability testing: a comparison of 2 postural stability evaluation devices. J. Athl. ...
The reliability (within-day and between-day) of the Kinect-based system was analyzed by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) with a 95% confidence interval (CI) using a two-way mixed effect model based on single ratings and absolute agreement. The achieved results can be classified ...
Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in developed countries. In the United States, a stroke occurs every 40 s, ranking stroke as the fifth leading cause of death and the first leading cause of disability in the country [1]. The high prevalence of stroke, coupled wi...
High definition videos with step-by-step expert explanations Acute Care Acute Care Simulations Adaptive Equipment Assistive Devices Assistive Devices Simulations Cardiopulmonary Rehab Developmental Milestones Evidence-based Taping Exercise Patterns Gait
but rather to enhancements in cognitive control processes. On this task participants pressed a keyboard button as quickly as possible upon the appearance of a circle at the center of the screen (50 trials). Average response time (the time between the target appearance and button press) was assa...
Accordingly, the recent REHAB-HF trial demonstrated the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of an early, progressive rehabilitation intervention that included multiple physical-function domains. It was initiated during the in-hospital stay of patients with acute decompensated HF and maintained at home [...
We thank Tanya Hagen, MD, Jamie Pardini, PhD, and Vanessa Fazio, PhD, of the UPMC Sports Medicine Concussion program. In addition, we thank the following physical therapists of the Centers for Rehab Services Vestibular Rehabilitation Clinic: Corrie Amick, DPT, Kathryn Brown, MS, PT, NCS, Dan...
higher energy level than younger adult participants (F(1,38) = 4.19,p=0.041,η2= 0.014; younger 72.59 ± 22.54; older 77.04 ± 17.52). Game mode did not significantly influence safety ratings, and age group did not significantly influence user pleasantness, dominance, or safety ratings. ...
At Marino Physiotherapy, we also offer Sports Rehab options and in-clinic visits to accommodate your busy lifestyle. Our therapists are highly trained in fall prevention, sports medicine, and the treatment of chronic conditions like joint pain, spine problem, and temporomandibular joint dysfunction (...
HorseRehab, 46111, Valencia, Spain Correspondence:María Calatayud - Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica2016,58(Suppl 2):A5 Background:Myofascial pain has become a common diagnosis in human patients with myofascial trigger points (MTrPs). A MTrP is defined as a hyperirritable spot in...