T. 1977 . Physical properties of protein preparations related to their functional characteristics in comminuted meat systems . J. Food Sci. 42 : 1615 .Torgersen, H., & Toledo, R. T. (1977). Physical properties of proteins preparations related to their functional characteristics in comminuted ...
This chapter describes the basic physical properties of proteins and nucleic acids and the basic definitions and concepts involved in the study of macromolecular chemistry. It concentrates on the physical foundations of experiments to present a largely nonmathematical picture of the physical chemistry of...
This collection of essays by both Western and East European experts examines the efforts to develop strategies for dealing with the environmental crisis both by governments and at the grassroots level of newly emerging green movements. 关键词: Matter, Properties, Food DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33459 ...
These proteins bind target sites in DNA from which the male-specific DSXM represses and the female-specific DSXF activates transcription of yolk protein (Yp) genes. We investigated the physical properties of these DSX proteins, which are identical in their amino-terminal 397 residues but are ...
Soyproteins Ultrasound Physicalproperties Functionalproperties Rheologicalproperties abstract Theaimofthisstudywastoexaminetheeffectofultrasoundtreatmentonphysicalpropertiesofsoypro- teins.Forthispurpose,soyproteinisolates(SPI)andsoyproteinconcentrate(SPC)weretreatedwith ultrasound20kHzprobeandultrasoundbaths(40and500kHz...
8. Thermodynamic Properties of Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George I. Makhatadze 9. Heat Capacities of Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
Pregelatinized starch is employed in many food applications due to the instantaneous nature of thickening and stability imparted by modification. Proteins, however, have been excluded as a viscosifying agent due to requisite thermal treatments required to create structure. Whey protein isolate gels were...
Relationships of the spectrin complex of human erythrocyte membranes to the actomyosins of muscle cells. However, the extensive work on the physical and functional properties of spectrin (18) and the recent identification of spectrin-like proteins in nonerythrocyte cells and tissues (4, 5) have ...
Finally, we also study heat-processed MB proteins for their foaming properties. We use a process to aggregate MB proteins recently described by some of us, resulting in MB protein aggregates previously called MB “protein colloids” (Q. Yang, Venema, van der Linden, & de Vries, 2023). Col...
Coacervating proteins stick like a tick Ticks secrete a protein-based saliva that hardens into a cement, ensuring that they firmly attach to their host. Now, insight is provided into the phase transitions and adhesive properties of a disordered glycine-rich protein found in such secretions. ...