Luster is the appearance or quality of light reflected from the surface of a mineral.Minerals that have the appearance of metals, regardless of color, are said to have a metallic luster.Minerals with a nonmetallic luster are described by various adjectives, including vitreous (glassy) pearly, sil...
FOLLOWING a recent declassification decision, it C is now permissible to disclose some of the properties of metallic plutonium (Pu, Z = 94). Between room temperature and its melting point, pure plutonium was found to exist in five allotropic modifications, labelled a, (3, y, $, e. . ...
Visible light wavelength = 350 – 750 nm. Not always a diagnostic property (cf. p. 107 of your text). Most minerals with a metallic luster (see below) have diagnostic colors that vary little, whereas many minerals whose luster is non-metallic have variable colors. ... ...
may be diagnostic for a few minerals, especially minerals with a metallic luster, it is almost without diagnostic significance in minerals of nonmetallic luster. Color should be considered in mineral identification, but other properties should also be considered before making identification. Streak ...
aThrough comparing with photo-physical properties of metallically and organically modified fullerenes, 通过和相片物理物产金属相比和有机修改过的fullerenes,[translate]
amounts of metallic atoms have a metallic look to them. The type of incident light also plays a part in the color the mineral appears to be. In the lab it may look somewhat different from the color you would perceive if you looked at the specimen in direct sunlight. The intensity of ...
Magnetic phase transitions typically lead to changes in a materials magnetostrictive properties. Here, Šiškins et al use the motion of a nanodrum to study the nonlinear magneto-mechanical response of FePS3, and observe changes in the nonlinear stiffness and damping near the Neel temperature. ...
第三章矿物的物理性质PhysicalPropertiesofMinerals ③自然金属或硫化物矿物——能带间电子跃迁(interbandtransition):能带理论认为,矿物中的原子或离子,其外层电子均处于一定的能带。能带的下部为价带(valenceband),上部为导带(conductionband),两者间为禁带(forbiddenband)。矿物可吸收能量高于禁带宽度的色光,使电子从...
**MetallicMetallic:opaqueandreflectslightlikemetals. **VitreousVitreous:glassy;appliestoabout70%70%of minerals. **AdamantineAdamantine:brilliantordiamond-like;high shine. **SilkySilky:reflectlikesilkcloth;havefinefibrous structures. **PearlyPearly:similartomother-of-pearl. ...
Metal atoms are held together by metallic bonds, which involve a 'sea of electrons' that are free to move around. This explains properties such as electrical conductivity, malleability, and ductility because the electrons can flow freely and the atoms can slide past each other.Chinese:金属原子...