Nature of liquid crystalline state has been of particular interest to representatives of different branches of natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) since its discovery in 1888. The most detailed study of liquid crystals (LC) began in the 1970s when the significance of LC for technology ...
Liquid crystals flow like ordinary liquids, e.g. they adopt the shape of their container. On the other hand, they exhibit anisotropic properties as do solid crystals. One can therefore define liquid crystals as "condensed fluid phases with spontaneous anisotropy". Liquid crystals are also called ...
The effect of CsPbBr3/SiO2 PQDs on the electro-optical properties and physical parameters of a nematic liquid crystal are investigated. The dielectric anisotropy (螖蔚) and splay elastic constant (K11) decrease substantially with increasing concentration of PQDs. PQDs, which are doped into the ...
While these algorithms have already proven to be useful in uncovering new properties of materials and in simplifying experimental protocols, their usage in liquid crystals research is still limited. This is surprising because optical imaging techniques are often applied in this line of research, and ...
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF L i q u i d C r y s t a l s : N e m a t i c s Edited by DAVID DUNMUR UniversityofSouthampton, UK ATSUO FUKUDA Shinshuuniversity, Japan and GEOFFREY LUCKHURST UniversityofSouthampton, UK IEE INSPEC Publishedby:INSPEC,TheInstitutionofElectricalEngineers, London,Uni...
摘要: Physical Properties of Liquid Crystals, Display Devices and Boundaries NAEMURA Shohei 液晶 : 日本液晶学会誌 = Ekisho 16(2), 89-111, 2012-04-25关键词: Nematic Liquid Crystal Bulk Property Surface Property Display Device Freedericksz Ttransition Biaxial Nematic Order 被引量: 2 ...
Synthesis and Physical Properties of Liquid Crystals with a Carbonyl Group at the Terminal Positiondoi:10.1080/10587250108025040This paper describes the synthesis and physical properties of some polar liquid crystalline compounds having a 1, 3-dioxan-2-one or a cyclohexanone at the terminal position. ...
ChemInformT.C. Lubensky, Symmetry and the Physical Properties of Liquid Crystals, Part 2, Chapter 1, in Progress in Liquid Crystal Science and Technology, In Honor of Shunsuke Kobayashi’s 80th Birthday , ed. by H.-S. Kwok, S. Naemura, H.L. Ong (World Scientific, Singapore, 2013)...
Blinov, LM. Behavior of liquid crystals in electric and magnetic fields. In: Demus D, Goodby J, Gray GW, Spiess HW,VV, editors. Handbook of liquid crystals. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH; 1998. p. 477-534.Blinov LM. Behavior of liquid crystals in electric and magnetic fields. In: Demus D, ...
Several cyano and fluoro bis-tolane liquid crystals were synthesized and their physical properties evaluated. Some of these highly conjugated liquid crystals possess birefringence larger than 0.5 in the visible region. Adding 10% of a binary bis-tolane mixture to a cholesteric display enhances the ...