Not all stress is bad. In small doses, stress can help you accomplish tasks or prevent you from getting hurt. For example, stress is what makes you slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a suddenly stopped car in front of you. That's a good thing. ...
These indirect pathways were also supported when predicting the risk of CVD at T2 after controlling for T1 CVD (B path: B=-3.23, SE=1.56, p=.038; indirect effect=0.07, SE=0.04, 95% CI=[0.02, 0.16]). Findings newly suggest that racial differences in physical manifestations of stress ...
Thus, the genetic and epigenetic modifications of the factors that regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and, therefore, the response to stress, have recently been associated with a detrimental effect on physical performance and early manifestations of the overtraining syndrome and the ...
Bodensohn, J., Nicolai, K., Leiderer, P., “The Growth of Atomically Rough4He Crystals.”Z. Phys., B, Condensed Matter, 64, (1986), pp. 55–64. Article Google Scholar Grinfeld, M., “The Stress Driven Instabilities in Crystals: Mathematical Models and Physical Manifestations.” IMA ...
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) look at various effects and manifestations of friction in order to identify those properties of friction that are invariant for different friction mechanisms, and thus constitute the very essence of friction as a physical phenomenon. By so doing, they make the case that fric...
Polymorphisms of the surfactant genes are associated with the severity of some respiratory diseases, for example, the likelihood of developing severe pulmonary manifestations of an influenza infection is influenced by a single nucleotide polymorphism of SP-B.11 Acting via specific surface receptors, both...
Introduction Parkinson disease (PD) is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease with manifestations of resting tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural gait disturbance and has the fastest increase in prevalence, death, and disability-adjusted life-years among neurological disorders, according...
It consists of 10 items about behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and psychophysiological manifestations of psychological distress. Each item was scored using a five-point Likert-type scale, ranging from "None of the time" (= 1) to "All of the time” (= 5), and the scores for each of...
Dysfunctional metabolism and blood flow in the brain's emotional centers mark two physical manifestations of the mental disorder. Charted with magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography scans, these findings have been replicated in dozens of studies. 展开 关键词: depressive disorders ...
Specific questions associated with the history may vary in accordance with the particular case, the familiarity of the veterinarian with the farm, and the degree of owner experience and observation. Information gathered should include chief complaint, duration and persistence of clinical ...