The impact of beliefs about mental health problems and coping on outcome in schizophrenia. Using the theoretical framework of the Self Regulation Model (SRM), many studies have demonstrated that beliefs individuals hold about their physical healt... F Lobban,C Barrowclough,S Jones - 《Psychological...
Which of the following disorders is/are psychotic disorder(s)? a. obsessive-compulsive disorder b. major depressive disorder c. schizophrenia d. all of the above How serious is obsessive-compulsive disorder? What is the most prevalent grouping of psychological ...
CLBP may have more profound impacts on one’s performance of social responsibilities in family, work and social life, which may significantly affect the health-related quality of life (HRQoL)15,16. In view of the significant burden of LBP (as estimated by YLDs), it is important to estimate...
Specifically, individuals diagnosed with AD or severe neurodegenerative disorders, severe mental health disorders like major depressive disorder or schizophrenia, recent traumatic brain injuries, or severe uncorrected sensory impairments were also excluded due to their potential impact on cognitive function ...
Schizophreniahas also been linked to a higher risk of heart and respiratory diseases. Mental health conditions can also make dealing with a chronic illness more difficult. The mortality rate from cancer and heart disease is higher among people with depression or other mental health conditions. ...
Regarding the impact of substance abuse in mental health, the results indicated the presence of psychiatric comorbidies as schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder, thought changes, perception, memory and cognition, also behavioral changes. As conclusion, drugs are...
The most commonmental illnesscan frequently be effectively treated during this time period, often with a combination of psychotherapy and pharmaceuticals. When combined with a treatment, it can play a role in the treatment of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. ...
Thirteenmental illnessesshowed the most statistically significant associations, including mood disorders, depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, schizophrenia, and substance abuse. For every reported type of abuse experienced in childhood, a participant's risk for PTSD increased 47%. Each...
Can post traumatic stress disorder lead to schizophrenia? How long does it take for acute stress disorder to turn into PTSD? Stress can be the root cause of psychological disorders. Name four symptoms shared by acute and post-traumatic stress disorders. What is stress-related illness? Traumatic...
Scheewe TW, Takken T, Kahn RS, Cahn W, Backx FJG. Effects of exercise therapy on cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with schizophrenia. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2012;44:1834–42. Google Scholar Scheewe TW, van Haren NEM, Sarkisyan G, Schnack HG, Brouwer RM, de Glint M, et al. Exercise...