-physical fitness candidates will have to pass requisite physical fitness test conducted by the railway administration to ensure that they are medically fit to carry out duties connected to the post opted by them. visual acuity standard is one of the essential rrb ntpc 2023 eligibility criteria ...
Answers were coded using a six-point Likert scale. Physical fitness ‘Resistance Training for Teens’ (RTT) was used to collect participants’ fitness test scores (46–47). This is a free, password-protected mobile application that allowed the research team access to participants’ fitness data....
The test evaluates seven patterns (geometric figures). The examined person is presented with a model figure, and below, six patterns, from which the participant has to indicate the same shape as the one presented above. The factors considered when assessing the results of the test are the ...
This modified version were assessed by 2-week interval test–retest reliability of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) on 107 school-aged students, with ICC of 0.53 and 0.52 respectively. The first question was “During the previous five weekdays, on how many days were you physically ...
The test person will be asked to stand up, in a completely upright body position, and to sit down on the chair again as many times as possible within 30 s. Depending on gender and age, the minimum number of repetitions will be graded [45]. Body composition will be assessed with ...
they did not show any differences in their baseline performance either in the cognitive test battery or in gait velocity, gait variability or working memory performance in the motor-cognitive dual task (allp > .05). However, the groups differed in the metabolic equivalent (MET) score of ...
The nurse again measures the child’s weight and height and the parents complete the same questionnaire about the child’s food, physical activity, screen time, fitness and dental health behaviours. At this visit, the control group will also be offered access to the MINISTOP 2.0 app. Figure ...
2.4. Measurements, Test, and Questionnaires We collected several different kinds of information. Anthropometric and fitness measurements were conducted. Participants self-completed two questionnaires: firstly, about dietary assessment, and secondly, regarding habitual physical activity and sedentary behaviors. ...
test twice on the dominant arm and the highest value achieved in kg was recorded. Aerobic fitness was assessed using the Two-Minute Walk Test (2MWT) [32]. Subjects were instructed to walk a 30.5-m course (15.24 m in each direction) as quickly as possible with 180 degree turns at each...
fitness [9]. Also, physical fitness is an important predictor of health in youth [10,11]. The concept of the body image brings together the idea of the physical form with the more subjective perception of a person’s size. Body image can roughly be characterized as the conscious, ...