解析 health-related physical fitness健康体适能例句This indicated that health-related physical fitness of students withintellectual disability could be improved through appropriate adaptedphysical education teaching.因此说明,透过适当的适应体育教学,对於智能障碍学生健康体适能的提升是有所帮助的....
health-related physical fitness健康体适能例句This indicated that health-related physical fitness of students withintellectual disability could be improved through appropriate adaptedphysical education teaching.因此说明,透过适当的适应体育教学,对於智能障碍学生健康体适能的提升是有所帮助的. 解析看不懂?免费查看同...
On the other hand, health related physical fitness is defined as the ability to perform strenuous activity without excessive fatigue, showing evidence of traits that limit the risks of developing diseases and disorders which affect a person's functional capacity. Health and physical fitness is ...
网络健康体适能;身体健康素质;健康体能 网络释义 1. 健康体适能 “健康体适能”(health related physical fitness):指一般人为了促进健康、预防疾病,提高日常生活、工作和学习效率所追求的 … walfx.blog.163.com|基于33个网页 2. 身体健康素质 ...elated Physical Fitness)与身体健康素质(Health Related Physical...
Physical fitness refers to good health,and is the result of regular exercise,proper diet and nutrition,and proper rest for physical recovery.A person who is physically fit will be able to walk or run without getting breathless and he or she will be able to carry out the activities of every...
网络释义 1. 体适能与健康 体适能与健康(Physical Fitness and Health) 体适能(Physical Fitness)是指身体适应生活、运动与环境(例如温度、气候变化 … enjoywater.web.fc2.com|基于8个网页 2. 运动与健康 ... Life Cycle and Development 体适能与健康Physical Fitness and Health运动与健康Aerobic Dance 进阶...
The health-related physical fitness, the physical activity levels and dietary intake were assessed of all participants. The data were described as mean and standard deviation. For comparison between models and non-models was used t independent test for variables normally distributed and U Mann-...
一、何謂體適能(health related physical fitness).doc 何謂體適能???在文所介紹的體適能是屬於健康體適能(Health Related Physical Fitness),其指的是足以影響個人身體機能及健康狀況的體適能,也就是說,擁有良好的體適能的人,才有良好的體能來應付日常活動及享受更佳的生活,如何擁有良好的體適能呢?最好的方...
與健康有關(Health-RelatedPhysicalFitness): 健康體適能。 與運動技巧有關(Skill-RelatedPhysical Fitness):運動體適能或運動技術體適能。 Cardiorespiratoryendurance(心肺血管適能) Muscularstrength(肌力) Muscularendurance(肌耐力) Flexibility(柔軟性) BodyComposition(身體組成) 心肺血管適能耐力 Cardiorespiratory...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical fitness related to health and cardiac risk of workers who perform work activities with different physical workload intensities. Twenty six volunteers (16 men and 10 women) gave their formal consent to participate in the study and were evaluat...