"Fitness" is a word wellknown in the countries of the English language, especially in U.S.A. In Europe we used and use more for the same conception, words like "die Kondition, die Eignung, die Tauglichkeit, die Form" (Germany) or "la condition, la performance, le rendement" (France...
3. As stated in the authorizing documents, the unit physical readiness depends largely on personal fitness of the leader. 4. Physical activity of officers is one of the basic and integral components of healthy way of life and long career It should be marked, that all the above mentioned ...
This quantitative correlational study examined the relationship between leadership support for physical activity and employee stress, job satisfaction, gender, race, rank/grade, and years of service among Air Force military and federal government civilian employees. The study incorporated four instruments ...
and high-intensity total body work five times per week for at least 45 min and consumed supplements or a placebo two times per day for 12 weeks. All outcomes were tested pre- and post-intervention and included changes in physical fitness (power, strength and endurance, mobility and stability...