1、心脏检查心脏检查physical examination of the heart周达新周达新中山医院心内科中山医院心内科第五节第五节 心脏检查心脏检查 物理检查的意义 检查的环境:坐位、卧位,右侧 检查的项目:视、触、叩、听视诊内容视诊内容 心尖搏动 心前区异常搏动胸廓畸形 胸廓: 桶状胸、鸡胸、扁平胸等 心前区:(饱满或隆起) 先天...
本作品内容为心脏检查physicalexaminationoftheheart,格式为ppt,大小979KB,页数为70, 请使用Microsoft Office相关软件打开,作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图片更改可选中图片后单击鼠标右键选择更换图片,也可根据自身需求增加和删除作品中的内容文本。 你可能感兴趣的 个人求职简历 简历...
心脏检查physicalexaminationoftheheart周达新中山医院心内科第.PPT,心包摩察音pericardial friction sound 心包摩察音pericardial friction sound 心房收缩-心室收缩-心室舒张 心室收缩-心室舒张 心室收缩 心包炎、心肌梗死、尿毒症晚期 血管检查 水冲脉water hammer pulse
心脏检查 physicalexaminationoftheheart 周达新 中山医院心内科 胸廓畸形 •胸廓:桶状胸、鸡胸、扁平胸等 •心前区:(饱满或隆起)• 先天性心脏病,• 肺动脉瓣狭窄 • 风湿性心脏病(少见)• 心包炎,(大量心包积液)•胸骨右缘II-III:主动脉(瓣)病变 Marfan’syndrome Apicalimpulse心尖搏动 ...
There are no clinically applicable graphic methods which will conveniently substitute for careful physical examination of the heart. This examination includes pertinent portions of the general physical examination, inspection of the precordium, palpation of the anterior and lateral surfaces of the chest ...
There are no clinically applicable graphic methods which will conveniently substitute for careful physical examination of the heart. This examination includes pertinent portions of the general physical examination, inspection of the precordium, palpation of the anterior and lateral surfaces of the chest wa...
图书Physical Examination of the Heart and Circulation 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
网络释义 1. 心脏检查 心脏检查(physical examination of heart) 成都医学院第一附属医院心内科 李璐 5、额外心音(Extra cardiac sound) 指在原有心 … wenku.baidu.com|基于4个网页
Medical History and Physical Examination for Heart and Blood Vessel Disorders - Explore from the Merck Manuals - Medical Consumer Version.