This contribution is devoted to the description and discussion of those frameworks which lead to correlations among partons in the initial stage that, if not washed out by strong final state interactions and hadronisation – that we will assume in the following, may lead to azimuthal asymmetries...
a collection of Chinese mythology, there is a description about Yinglong: Yinglong is a creature living in the heaven, and it helps the Yellow Emperor to kill Chiyou and Kuafu. In the tribe war, the Yellow Emperor defeats the Yan Emperor. Later, Chiyou declares a war to revenge for the ...
For a description of a similar solver, the reader is referred to [59]. Our verification and validation of the solver can be found in B.1 Shock Tube Verification, B.2 Sajben transonic diffuser validation. This solver is suitable in the transonic regime which is central to the flow we ...
We compare our predictions with several single-, double-differential and total cross sections from six distinct measurements published by the H1 or ZEUS collaboration. A quantitative comparison of NLO and NNLO predictions with the data is presented. We further study the scale dependence of the NNLO...
ZEUS, H1 Collaboration, H. Abramowicz et al., Combination of measurements of inclusive deep inelastic e±p scattering cross sections and QCD analysis of HERA data. Eur. Phys. J. C 75(12), 580 (2015). arXiv:1506.06042 H1 , ZEUS Collaboration, H. Abramowicz et al., Combination and QCD...
We regard this work as a step toward reconciling the commonalities and differences of the two theoretical frameworks to improve the theoretical description of jet-medium interactions.Data Availability Statement This manuscript has no associated data or the data will not be deposited. [Authors’ comment...
A detailed description of the H1 detector can be found elsewhere [7–10]. The coordinate system of H1 is defined such that the positive z axis is in the direction of the proton beam (forward direction) and the nominal interaction point is located at z=0. The polar angle θ is then def...
The production of charmed mesons containing the light quarks u,d and s is found to be compatible with a description in which the hard scattering is followed by a factorisable and universal hadronisation process. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check ...
of H1 and ZEUS measurements of the bottom structure function\(F_2^b(x,Q^2)\)[67,68], which may prove useful in specific applications such as in the determination of the bottom quark mass\(m_\mathrm{b}\). In order to perform dedicated studies of the charm content of the proton, ...
We extend the multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator Sherpa to include processes in deeply inelastic lepton–nucleon scattering. Hadronic final sta