Physical-Chemistry in 2 DimensionsKlier, K
Unsymmetric disulfides are prevalent in natural products and are essential in medicinal chemistry and materials science, but their robust synthesis poses significant challenges. Here, the authors report a novel transition-metalfree methodology for synthesizing unsymmetric disulfides through the addition of ...
The particle size distribution (PSD) is a fundamental parameter to characterize the grain size of the material and provides an indication of the uniformity of the dimensions. Figure 1 shows the grain size distribution of the three different carbon-based materials. Figure 1. Particle size distributio...
Laboratory of Plastics and Rubber Technology, Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1521 Budapest, Hungary 2 Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, ELKH Eötvös Loránd Research Network...
The term “physical quantity” is used not only in physics but also in other sciences, such as chemistry and biology, when a quantitative comparison of the properties of objects under study is performed by physical methods (seeMETROLOGYandDIMENSIONS). ...
Typical examples of natural units, with their symbols, are: Certain units which are not part of the SI are used so widely that it is impractical to abandon them. The units that are accepted for continued use with the International System are listed in Table 4. It is likewise necessary to...
Excluded volume interactions in good solvents certainly modify a chain’s configuration; but for semicrystalline polymers chain dimensions above the melting point and in dilute solution are closer to one another than are the dimensions of chains below the melting point (where they will be partially ...
Greek Symbols α Thermal conductivity kg m−1s−1 αt Turbulent thermal conductivity kg m−1s−1 γ Specific heat ratio – μ Dynamic viscosity kg m−1s−1 ν Kinematic viscosity m2s−1 νt Turbulent viscosity m2s−1 ψT Isothermal compressibility J kg−1K−1 ρ Density kgm...
methodology and using the recommended dimensions and number of specimens. As it is set out in the standards, in all cases the tests were done once the specimens were dried to constant mass (weighing each 24 h until less than ± 0.1% variation in mass)....
Keywords Expansive soil · Sand · Additive material · Physical properties · Improvement List of Symbols Fs Percentage of added sand (%) LL Liquid limit (%) PL Plastic limit (%) PI Plastic index (%) SL Shrinkage limit (%) L.Sh Longitudinal shrinkage (%) LLFs...