These verbs mean to touch or handle affectionately:caressed the sleeping baby; cuddled the kitten in her arms; fondling the dog's ears; patted the child's head; petting his pony; gently stroked the patient's hand. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyr...
Dissemination and characteristics of Spanish physical activity and sport sciences scientific and technical journalsVillamónHerrera, MDevísDevís, JValenciaPeris, AValencianoValcárcel, J
A comparison of characteristics between oldest-old women and centenarian women is shown in the Table 1. Centenarian women accounted for 61.8% of the sample (758 participants). Centenarian women had significantly higher age, higher levels of E2, and lower levels of ADLs than oldest-old women (P...
Asian country (followingIndia) with English as an official language and one of only two predominantly Roman Catholic countries inAsia(the other beingEast Timor). Despite the prominence of such Anglo-European cultural characteristics, the peoples of the Philippines are Asian inconsciousnessandaspiration....
Physical characteristics of Pluto)Also found in: Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. pluto demote or devalue a person or thing; a pluto (not capitalized) is someone or something that has lost its status (On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union, which decides the official names of all ...
Results A comparison of characteristics between oldest-old women and centenarian women is shown in the Table 1. Centenarian women accounted for 61.8% of the sample (758 participants). Centenarian women had significantly higher age, higher levels of E2, and lower levels of ADLs than oldest-old...
RAST resulted in a maximum absolute power of 551.9 ± 73.0 W, maximum relative power of 7.8 ± 0.4−1, mean absolute power of 484.0 ± 57.8 W, and mean relative power of 6.8 ± 0.2−1. Conclusion The anthropometric profile of soccer players that act in the United Arab ...
The Meaning of Electoral Fraud in Oligarchic Regimes: Lessons from the Brazilian Case (1899-1930) What are the characteristics of pre-democratic elections? This article seeks to answer this question by analysing the Brazilian First Republic. Through an ... P Ricci,Zulini, Jaqueline Porto - 《Jo...
Babies have long been linked with adjectives that equate appealing (or peaceful) qualities. This commonly used form may have its origins in Swinburne’s “Adorable as is nothing save a child.” Alluring as a ripe peach —Guy de Maupassant ...
walk, and 3 caregivers refused to participate. Of the 20 participants included in the study, 5 had Down syndrome and 15 had ID due to another cause (i.e., infant epilepsy, neonatal head trauma or idiopathic intellectual disability).Table 1shows the sociodemographic characteristics of the sample...