Changes In Physical Properties Of Human Premolar Cementum After The Application Of Controlled Orthodontic Forces Physical properties of root cementum: Part 22. Root resorption after the application of light and heavy extrusive orthodontic forces: a microcomputed tomography study . Am J Orthod Dentofacial...
Human evolution is characterized by changes in physical appearance and behavior. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of modern humans? A. Bipedalism B. Large body size C. Use of language D. Cultural development 相关知识点:
Maternal smoking and developmental changes in luteinizing hormone (LH) and the LH receptor in the fetal testis The LH receptor (LHCGR) drives fetal testosterone secretion, which is vital for human masculinization. Maternal smoking is associated with defective mascul... PA Fowler,B Siladitya,G Jrg...
With the loss of E2, postmenopausal women undergo a number of processes in which risk factors for cardiovascular disease rapidly rise. However, age-related changes in the E2 and T levels in the older adults, especially older women, have not been fully explored. A previous analysis of women ...
Human errors in criminal investigations have previously led to devastating miscarriages of justice. For example, flaws in forensic identification based on physical or photographic evidence are notoriously unreliable. The criminal justice system has, ther
A state-of-the-art generative artificial intelligence model of a video game is introduced to allow the support of human creative ideation, with the analysis of user study data highlighting three necessary capabilities, namely, consistency, diversity and persistency. ...
Changes in risk variables of metabolic syndrome since childhood in pre-diabetic and type 2 diabetic subjects: the Bogalusa Heart Study That type 2 diabetes is associated with the metabolic syndrome is known. However, information is lacking regarding the long-term and adverse changes of met... N...
Aguilar-Farias N, Toledo-Vargas M, Miranda-Marquez S, et al. Sociodemographic predictors of changes in physical activity, screen time, and sleep among toddlers and preschoolers in Chile during the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;18(1):176. doi:10.3390...
Obesity has a significant and widespread impact on human health, placing it at the forefront of healthcare priorities and challenges of this century. Obesity medications are in general prescribed without attention to the sex of the obese individual, implying the absence of sex-based differences in ...
The authors introduce irreproducible soft wrinkles for artificial finger pad electronics, mimicking human finger functions. These structures enable secure authentication, object recognition, improved gripping, and integration into electronic systems. Juyeong Lee ...