In some ways, however, the changes in adolescence are more dramatic than those that occur in infancy—unlike infants, adolescents are aware of the changes that are taking place and of what the changes mean. In this section, you will learn about the pubertal changes in body size, ...
Pubertyis the period of rapid growth and sexual development that begins in adolescence and starts at some point between ages 8 and 14. While the sequence of physical changes in puberty is predictable, the onset and pace of puberty vary widely. Every person’s individual timetable for puberty i...
During adolescence (usually considered age 11 to age 21), boys and girls reach adult height and weight and undergo sexual maturation (puberty). The timing and speed with which these changes occur vary and are affected by both heredity and environment. (See also Health Supervisi...
Preschool represents the budding and initial stage of bullying behavior, where perpetration of physical bullying predominates as the primary form of bullying. An in-depth understanding of the factors linked to preschool physical bullying behavior is cruc
During the lockdown, the students had a sedentary lifestyle with about 50% of them not engaging in any form of physical activity. The results highlight the moderating role of gender (categorized as girl and boy corresponding to the gender-segregated school system) and socioeconomic status in ...
In addition, significantly different outputs are observed with different types of step counters or accelerometers. Studies are needed in which daily PA and step counts are measured using the same accelerometer in the same region over a long time period in order to reliably examine changes in the ...
and Ju`rinová, I.: Development of the functional capacity and body composition of boy and girl swimmers aged 12–15 years; in Borms and Hebbelinck (Eds) Pediatric Work Physiology, pp.32–38 (Karger, Basel 1978). Google Scholar Stein, J.: The potential of physical activity for the ...
Preestablished lifestyle habits during childhood and adolescence may highly impact general health and well-being. Overall, physical activity is expected to enhance the quality of life as well as cardiometabolic fitness [16,17]. Recently, we have reported that physical activity in girls revealed a ...
Article Google Scholar Hardy LL, Bass SL, Mooth ML: Changes in sedentary behavior among adolescent girls: a 2.5 year prospective cohort study. J Adolesc Health. 2007, 40: 158-165. 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2006.09.009. Article Google Scholar Download references ...
Interviews were conducted in November and December 2020 (i.e., during the COVID-19 pandemic) with parents in the mid-sized Canadian city of London, Ontario. Located in the Southwestern region of the province, London residents experience seasonal changes in the weather that can impact the types...