physical functionsarcopeniaagingBIOLOGICAL AGECOGNITIVE DECLINEFRAILTYPERFORMANCEPREDICTIONThe journal of nutrition, health & aging - This study aimed to (1) develop the physical fitness age, which is the biological age based on physical function, (2) evaluate the validity of the......
295 German eight-year old children. Even in a single prepubertal year of life (1) performance increases linearly with chronological age in all physical fitness tests
A related, but distinct explanation for elevated BP and hypertension rates during old age is the impact of functional markers of biological age, rather than chronological age itself, and their dynamic changes over time. These factors may affect vascular function, subsequently influencing BP levels in...
Current study aimed to establish percentile normative data and to find age differences in fitness performance tests of 14–19-year-old footballers played in a Greek elite youth football academy. Methods A total of 216 male players from four different chronological age groups of the same club, fro...
While both sexes experience functional losses with increasing chronological age, on average, women experience worse physical function and greater physical decline than men at similar ages [6,7]. The reasons for this disparity are poorly delineated, but one hypothesis centers on women’s unique life...
This cohort study examines factors associated with clinically important 10-year declines in the physical health of US women from age 55 to 65 years.
A miRNA age prediction model was developed using this large dataset and the miRNA predicted age correlated with chronological age with an r = 0.61 adjusted for cell type composition31. Transforming growth factor beta signalling has been suggested as one of the main pathways regulated by the ...
Multivariate statistical models identified few between quartile differences in anthropometric and fitness characteristics, and confirmed chronological age-group and estimated age at peak height velocity (APHV) as covariates. Assessment of practical significance using magnitude-based inferences demonstrated body ...
(i.e. rate) of biological maturation are asynchronous with chronological age [38,39]. During biological maturation, growth rate increases rapidly, with peak height velocity (PHV; [38,39]) typically occurring around 12 years for female individuals and 14 years for male individuals [40,41]. ...
a loosely used concept and lacks precise definition, it is often viewed as the true age of an individual12. Thus, biological age provides a better measure of the life expectancy of an individual than his or her chronological age. The common idea is to calculate biological age based on some...