What is physical abuse of an elderly person?Physical abuse occurs when a carer harms you or places you in danger. A carer may be a family member or someone who is responsible for taking caring for you. The carer may hit, slap, kick, push, pull your hair, burn, or force feed you. ...
Friedman LS, Avila S, Shah M, Tanouye K, Joseph K. A description of cases of severe physical abuse in the elderly and 1-year mortality. J. Elder Abuse Negl. 2014; 26: 1-11.Friedman LS, Avila S, Shah M, et al. A description of cases of severe physical abuse in the elderly and...
physical abuse of the elderly physical access physical action physical activities Physical activities physical activity Physical activity Physical Activity 将“physical abuse"翻译成法文 sévices, mauvais traitements, abus physiques是“physical abuse"到 法文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Children in se...
The United Nations principles for older people state that “Older persons should be able to live in dignity and security, be free of exploitation and physical or mental abuse and be treated fairly regardless of age, gender and racial or ethnic background” and “Older persons should have ...
Elder abusePhysical abuseInjuryAssaultRestraintAdult protective servicesOmbudsmanLisa M. YoungClinics in Geriatric MedicineYoung LM. Elder Physical abuse. Clin Geriatr Med [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2017 Jan 05];30(4):761-8. Available from: http://www. geriatric.theclinics.com/article/S0749-0690(...
Elder mistreatment involves any intentional or negligent act caused by a person that causes harm or risks the harm of a defenseless adult. The abuse can occur at home or in long-term care settings such as nursing homes, adult family homes, and group homes. There are various types of elder...
In addition to these factors and the physiological changes that occur with aging, many comorbid diseases that affect both the physical and mental health of the elderly, the use of many drugs and many geriatric syndromes negatively affect the elderly's ability to maintain sexual activity. However,...
Who Suffers from Physical Abuse? While anyone can suffer from physical abuse, physical abuse victims are most often women and often: Frail elderly Developmentally disabled Mentally ill Physically disabled Substance abusers Intimate partners While it is never the fault of the victim, victims of physical...
Learn more about Physical Assault Care guides Bullying toward You Bullying toward your Child Psychological Abuse of the Elderly Psychological Abuse of the Elderly for Family Members and Carers StressFurther information Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this ...
What is the most prevalent type of child abuse in the U.S.A. A.Physical abuse. B.Underfeeding. C.Sexual abuse, D.Neglect. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: What does the word ?physical? in the first line mean in this passage? A.Material. B.Bodily. C.Of physics. D.Facial. 免费查看...