Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applicationspublishes research in the field ofstatistical mechanicsand its applications. Statistical mechanics sets out to explain the behaviour of macroscopic systems, or the large scale, by studying the … ...
Guest editors: Brenda Byrne, Laura Cella, Shirin A. Enger, Susanna Guatelli, Emelie Kjellsson LindblomCinzia Talamonti, Guerda MassillonIoanna Kyriakou, Efi Koutsouveli, Ioanna Kyriakou, Efi Koutsouveli... It is our great pleasure to invite you to submit a contribution for a high-profile Sp...
期刊语言:多国语言 定价:0 地址:ELSEVIER , RADARWEG 29, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 1043 NX 期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications publishes research in the field of statistical mechanics and its applications. Statistical mechanics sets out to explain the behaviour of macroscopic systems, or the large scale, by studying the stati
Physica A期刊介绍及投稿指南Physica A是一本专注于统计力学领域的研究与应用的期刊,其研究领域广泛且质量上乘。该刊在科学界的评价极高,凭借其在中科院和JCR的二区排名,以及稳定的影响因子(2021年IF为3.778,CiteScore为7.50),表明其文章的影响力不容小觑。期刊的发文量虽多,但自引率控制在...
别名:波兰物理学报A 国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN0587-4246 创刊时间:1932年 曾用名:Acta physica Polonica 收录汇总栏目浏览期刊详情 收录汇总 出版文献 期刊详情 分析评价 目录 封面 不详 Positronium time-of-flight Measurements of Mesoporous Silica Films
期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: 出版商网址: Physica Polonica A《波兰物理学报A》(官网投稿)的期刊点评返回该期刊 本刊点评浏览 暂无点评信息 我要点评 欢迎点评...
A time bonus is given to the status, and it gets a little stronger!But be careful as you may be attacked in a stroke by the appearance of the character!Q. How do characters grow up? Characters that let you sing in a random battle get experience value!Complete victory> Victory> In ...
The internationalization of the journal and the results achieved, so that it has a wide range of influence and competitiveness at home and abroad. It has different columns, such as reviews, papers, bulletins and highlights, aiming to review representative achievements and research progress in the ...
期刊简称ACTA PHYS POL A 参考译名《波兰物理学报A》 核心类别SCIE(2023版), 外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向物理与天体物理-PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY 物理:综合 Acta Physica Polonica A《波兰物理学报A》(月刊). We welcome papers containing original research results and review papers in the fiel...