PHYSLIB: A C++ tensor class library 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 26 作者: KG Budge 摘要: C++ is the first object-oriented programming language which produces sufficiently efficient code for consideration in computation-intensive physics and engineering applications. In addition, the increasing...
Sarcopenia in aged mice is associated with muscle loss, contractile dysfunction, denervation, and reduced mitochondrial respiration. CMD-35647 is a pharmocological compound that can neutralize lipid hydroperoxides. 8 month treatment of CMD-35647 mitigated muscle atrophy in tibialis anterior and extensor ...
Note: The example code uses raylib programming library to create the program window and rendering framework. Installation Physac requires raylib. To get it, follow the next steps: * Go to [raylib]( and clone the repository. * Ensure to pull the last ...
The peer review history is available in the Supporting Information section of this article ( PDF Tools Share Abstract Many neurons in the mammalian brain show pacemaking activity: rhythmic generation of action potentials in the abse...
However, a systematic analysis of the function and specificity of all the seven Physcomitrium phytochromes is still lacking. Here, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to generate single and higher order phytochrome mutants in the moss Physcomitrium patens to identify the role of the different phytochromes in ...
Python histogram library - histograms as updateable, fully semantic objects with visualization tools. [P]ython [HYST]ograms. - janpipek/physt
Library Search London Mathematical Society Maths Dept @ Imperial College London Maths info subject page @ Imperial Physics Dept @ Imperial College London Physics info subject page @ Imperial SFX FAQs Relevant links @ physmaths Archives Archives Recent Comments fredafranco64733 on Welcome...
We isolated genes expressed during gametangia development from previously established gene-trap lines of Physcomitrium patens and characterized their function during gametangia formation. We identified P. patens LATERAL SUPPRESSOR 1 (PpLAS1) from the gene-trap library, encoding a GRAS transcription fac...
PhysVib runs concurrently with a physics engine at a low update rate and generates vibrotactile feedback commands at a high update rate based on the simulation results of the physics engine using an exponentially-decaying sinusoidal model. We demonstrate an application showing three wall-object pairs...
期刊 出版社: PhysMath Central P P PMC Physics A PMC Physics B