A phylogenetic tree (evolutionary tree) is the graphical representation of the evolutionary history of biological sequences and allows us to visualize the evolutionary relationships between them. Evolution explains the diversity of life on Earth, and understanding evolutionary relationships helps us understan...
In recent years, phylogenetic reconciliation has emerged as a promising approach for studying microbial ecology and evolution. The core idea is to model how gene trees evolve along a species tree and to explain differences between them via evolutionary events including gene duplications, transfers, ...
starting closest to the tip. (Note: vertical spacing in this representation has no meaning.) (b) If the tree is ultrametric but internal nodes are not regularly spaced then branch lengths are being used in the context of a molecular clock (a constant rate of evolution). This is usually me...
models was performed in MrBayes v. 3.2.757. Two independent runs with four chains (three heated and one cold) were conducted simultaneously for 10 million generations, with sampling every 1000 generations and 25% of burn-in. The remaining samples were used to construct the consensus tree and ...
(Figs.1b;S1b, c and e), while some of them lost the second and third CB domains during evolution. Recruitment of the VWA-CB dcp to the larval shell of the common ancestor ofC. gigasandP. fucatabefore their divergence is indicated by the larval group of the two species at nodes B ...
Interest in body size distributions relates to the importance of size in impacting on an organism’s ecology and thus potential evolution and diversification. Body size determines the scale of an organism’s interactions within the fractal structure of natural environments [8,9], the relative strengt...
A radically different view of bacterial evolution (Gupta, 2000, Crit. Rev. Microbiol. 26: 111-131) which proposes a linear rather than a treelike evolutionary relationship between procaryotic species indicates that the gamma subdivision of proteobacteria represents the most recently evolved bacterial ...
The ancestral state reconstruction infers the evolutionary history of a trait along a phylogeny given the character states of species in the tree and provides estimates of the probable character state of each node in the phylogeny. This approach is based on a Markov model of evolution for discrete...
More generally, the estimation of speciation and extinction rates has become a popular way to explain diversity patterns and their variation through time, space and taxa (e.g. Harvey et al., 1994). Later on, models of tree evolution have been fully included in phylogenetic inference, through ...
Similarly, our previous study in Pyrus [28] revealed a history of non-concerted evolution of ITS and a poorly resolved phylogenetic tree. Six non-coding regions of plastid DNA were found to be highly conserved in Pyrus [29], but they reflect only the maternal genealogies. An alternative ...