Thermo Scientific Phusion Plus Green PCR Master Mix is a convenient, ready-to-use 2X mixture of Phusion Plus DNA Polymerase, buffer, magnesium chloride, and dNTPs. The master mix format simplifies reaction setup with minimal pipetting steps and retains all features of Phusion Plus DNA Polymerase....
•2X Phusion Plus Green PCR 预混液,2 x 1.25 mL •5X Phusion GC 增强剂,1.25 mL •水,2 x 1.25 mL 在-25°C 至 -15°C 下储存 SYBR™ Safe DNA 凝胶染料 Catalog number: S33102 1,365.00/Each 文件和下载 证书 搜索 批号Certificate TypeDateCatalog Number(s) ...
PCR specificity without the need to optimize annealing temperature for each primer pair, helping save time and avoid mistakes in PCR runs. Furthermore, with Phusion Plus Green PCR Master Mix and its universal annealing feature, different PCR reactions can be cycled together using the same protocol...
▪Phusion Plus Green PCR Master Mix /高保真绿色PCR预混液 ▪Phusion Plus PCR Master Mix/高保真PCR预混液 ▪Phusion™ Plus DNA Polymerase/Phusion™ Plus DNA高保真聚合酶 技术参数 实验方法和说明书下载 Thermo Fisher RevertAid™ H Minus First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, with DNase I/RevertAid...
M - GeneRuler 100bp Plus DNA Ladder 图2.Multiplex PCR using whole blood samples 14 fragments (70-1000 bp) from human genomic DNA were simultaneously amplified from human blood with Phusion U Green Multiplex PCR Master Mix and multiplex PCR master mixes from other suppliers. 2 µL of whole...
M - GeneRuler 100bp Plus DNA Ladder 图2.Multiplex PCR using whole blood samples 14 fragments (70-1000 bp) from human genomic DNA were simultaneously amplified from human blood with Phusion U Green Multiplex PCR Master Mix and multiplex PCR master mixes from other suppliers. 2 µL of whole...
选择。其它剂型:Phusion和Phusion 热启动 Flex DNA聚合酶均有预混液剂型可供选择,Phusion 预混液有含 HF 或 GC 缓冲液两种形式。Phusion PCR试剂盒包含 Phusion聚合酶、Phusion HF和GC 缓冲液、dNTPs、MgCl2、DMSO和DNAMarker。浓度:2,000units/ml。相关搜索:Phusion 超保真 PCR Master Mix( 提供 HF 缓冲液 )...
- + 加入购物车 立即购买 产品属性 基本信息 基本信息 中文名称 Phusion® 超保真 PCR Master Mix( 提供 GC 缓冲液 ) 英文名称 Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with GC Buffer品牌多,品类全 多仓直发,极速配送 品牌正品,专业服务 渠道价格,实惠多多 支付...
Phusion 超保真 PCR Master Mix 英文名称: 总访问: 89 国产/进口: 国产 半年访问: 12 产地/品牌: 百奥莱博 产品类别: 分子生物学试剂 规格: SV0841 最后更新: 2024-11-4 货号: SV0841 CAS 号: 参考报价: 立即询价 电话咨询 [发表评论] [本类其他产品] [本类其他供应商] [收藏] 分享:微信新浪...
名称:Phusion 超保真 PCR Master Mix( 提供 HF 缓冲液 ) 产地:国产|进口 规格:500次(50μl体系)|100次(50μl体系) 品牌:百奥莱博 编号:SV0843 概述: 由于DNA 序列需要在扩增后进行校正,所以拥有高保真度的 DNA聚合酶对于 PCR 应用至关重要。 Thermo Scientific® Phusion 超保真 DNA聚合酶兼备高保真度和...