KPMG in Vietnam Phone number Nguyen Mai Phuong Phuong Nguyen is a lawyer with over 25 years of experience in banking, financial, corporate, commercial and global trading matters. She used to be a litigation lawyer in the past (as representative/lawyer appointed by clients in the legal proceedin...
Phuong is a senior corporate/M&A practitioner with over 20 years of advising clients on FDI and M&A transactions in Vietnam. She has worked on deals covering a wide range of areas, including real estate, renewable energy, consumer goods and retailing, logistics, production. Over the last few ...
Financial & Corporate – Tier 2 In addition to these firmwide rankings, Tilleke & Gibbins had several standout individual recognitions, with 10 lawyers honored in the 2024 individual rankings, including new entries for John Frangos, Niti Muangkote, Santhapat Periera, and Tram Ngoc Bich Nguyen. ...