在这篇论文中,提出了一种新的医学图像分割混合架构:PHTrans,它在主要构建块中并行混合 Transformer 和 CNN,分别从全局和局部特征中生成层次表示并自适应聚合它们,旨在充分利用 Transformer 和 CNN 各自的优势以获得更好的分割性能。具体来说,PHTrans 沿用 U 形设计,在深层引入并行混合模块,其中卷积块和修改后的 3D...
In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid architecture for medical image segmentation called PHTrans, which parallelly hybridizes Transformer and CNN in main building blocks to produce hierarchical representations from global and local features and adaptively aggregate them, aiming to fully exploit their...
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PHTrans_train -task 17OR27 --fold 0 Test Type this in terminal to test: PHTrans_train -task 17OR27 -eei EXPERIMENT_ID -val To replicate the results in the paper, we have prepared thedownload linkof pre-trained models. Acknowledgements ...
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