The Phrygian mode is built on step 3 of the major scale. Step 3 of the Ab major scale is the note C so here is how it looks. Although this mode still contains steps 4, 5 and 7, notice that it does not contain a 3. And, even more strangely, the second note is a flat 2! Le...
2.(Classical Music)musicof or relating to an authentic mode represented by the natural diatonic scale from E to E. SeeHypo- 3.(Classical Music)music(of a cadence) denoting a progression that leads a piece of music out of the major key and ends on the dominant chord of the relative mino...
with the phyrgian dominant mode. (EFGG#ABCD). The changing accidental functions EXACTLY the same as in the key of A minor. But FLAMENCO makes use of even more notes from the chromatic scale, to colorize the mode. You will also find D# used frequently...