That said, we can do better than exclaiming "veni, vidi, vici" following a win at Scrabble or whispering "in vino veritas" before spilling a secret over a few drinks. With that in mind, we've compiled the most common Latin phrases you could and should be using on a daily basis—and...
“to date”的意思是直到今天。So I have not had, I've not, I have, I've, I've not had. Again, it's the present perfect.所以——我没有——再次强调,这是现在完成时。So there's been no illness in the past and up til today.所以在过去没有生病,直到今天。I've not had, I've n... diagnosed with cancer 26.mean the end of one’s career 27.go on to do sth 28.six years in a row three times in a row 29.the same … that… the same … as… eg. This is the same pen as I lost.这只笔跟我丢的那只一样。 This is the same pen that I lost.这是我丢...
Words to describe those in-between, stuck in the middle, between the devil and the deep blue sea, liminal kinds of things.
The preceding phrases were pretty much self-explanatory. Let’s look at some more phrases that can mean the same thing as “see you”. Εις τοεπανιδείν(until we see each other again) – a really common expression in many languages, including Germanauf wiedersehenand Frenc...
You mean: 选项1及2 选项3及4 正确答案:选项4 正确释义: MINIMUM FUEL: Indicates that an aircraft's fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching the destination, it can accept little or no delay. This is not an emergency situation but merely indicates an emergency situation is ...
In the end, we decided to splash out on a pub lunch. 最后,我们决定在酒吧吃顿午餐。 But, remember that this is not normal spending. 但是请记住,这不是正常的消费。 You can't splash out if you always spend that amount of money. 如果你总是花那么多钱的话,...
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So I'm gonna share the exact phrases and expressions that you need to do things in English conversations like when you want to interrupt someone or you want to change the topic. Maybe when you need to end a conversation and lots of others as well.所以我要分享一些你们在英语对话中用得到的...
It's like well with a 'th' on the end. Keep an eye on that tongue.好像是“well”后面再加一个“th”音。看一下舌头的位置。Wealth. Wealth is an abundance of valuable things including but not only including money.财富。财富是很多有价值的东西,包括但不仅包括金钱。And conversations about ...