连接词也可以是副词,比如“consequently”或“on the other hand”,通常用在新句子的开头。 Next, what do linking words do? 接下来,连接词有什么作用呢? Why do you need to use them? 为什么需要使用它们呢? This is an important question, but it has a simple answer: linking words make your writin...
The last chef remaining wins!Why is this show so popular? "On Top Chef, food is shown as entertainment, as _6as art," journalist James Poniewozik wrote in Time magazine.Other shows have a different flavor, such as Man V. Food.The host takes on eating challenges in the US. People ...
Read this sentence: Next, imagine that the next sentence starts with 'also,' 'on the other hand,' or 'consequently'. 读一下这个句子: 然后呢,想象下一个以“also”、“on the other hand”或“consequently”开头的句子。 What do these tell you? 这告诉了你什...
,不是… … other than 除了,不同于,less than 少于,more than多于 13 B 难度中等 invest in投资在(骨密度检查),将钱花在(骨密度检查)上 enhance 增强,improve提 高,改善 14 B 难度中等 cost n. 成本 expenses 费用,但文中是... would far outweigh that of..."。这里的 that 应该是替代前面的单数...
Explaining visuals. I'd like to illustrate this point by showing you.解释视觉信息。“我想通过...向你们展示这个观点。”Or this chart shows a breakdown of.A breakdown is often used in a presentation to show all of the smaller parts of something bigger.或者“这个图表展示了...的详解。”“详解...
When you raise your voice during discussions, you make other people uncomfortable. This is something you should be aware of and not do moving forward. I’m aware that you cancel your one-on-one meetings almost every week. This isn’t acceptable, given you’re a manager responsible for the...
Now, other research shows that 41 activity may help students do better in their classes.The research comes as educators in some countries are reducing time for activities like physical education. They are using the time instead for 42 subjects like math and reading.Researchers at VU University ...
Not only do they use polite language, but you can use them to comfortably speak with those older and younger than you. You may hear the other person speak using slightly more formal versions of these phrases, but it largely depends on who you are talking to. Most often, this happens ...
Later on, Raphael worked in the city of Florence, where he met two other great Renaissance 40 -Leonardo d a Vinci and Michelangelo. He studied their works and started using their style in his paintings, which made religious figures appear more realistic than before. Raphael's paintings became...
Confident people often resort to this phrase as a meansto stand their ground, yet do so in a way that invites dialogue rather than discord. Essentially, you’re acknowledging the other person’s perspective as valuable. But following it up with, “but please allow me to finish speaking,” ...