phrase- an expression consisting of one or more words forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence catchword,motto,shibboleth,slogan- a favorite saying of a sect or political group Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Systematic Buzz Phrase Generator.vbs: Introduction Have you ever needed a catchy phrase to express a thought that would draw your audience into a report or presentation? Wouldn't you like to have a Buzz Phrase Generator that will quickly give you t
Extract 237-bits of entropy from a shuffled deck of playing cards. - deckware/passphrase-generator.html at main · atoponce/deckware
from gensim.models.phrases import Phrases, ENGLISH_CONNECTOR_WORDS >>> >>> # Create training corpus. Must be a sequence of sentences (e.g. an iterable or a generator).>>> sentences = Text8Corpus(datapath('testcorpus.txt')) >>>
Consider defining your own dictionary with a much larger selection of words before generating passwords.DocumentationInstallationgo get Basic Examplepackage main import "" // Use the default dictionary var p = phrase.Default func main() { p...
A phrase is a group of words that can’t stand on its own as a sentence because it doesn’t have a subject and a predicate. A clause, on the other hand, does contain a subject and a predicate and in some cases can stand on its own as a sentence. Adjective clauses and adjective...
In general, a passphrase generator is a program that makes passwords by combining random words into pseudo-sentences. In this tutorial, we will usePyCharmandTyperto develop a command line tool that will do the following: Generate a passphrase consisting of 4–5 random words. ...
So with 3 randomly generated words from 1Password’s generator, it would take about $4,200 to crack. What Are Iterations? Websites don’t store your actual password but a hash version of it. Think of a hash as a smoothie, if you blend the same raw materials for the same amount of ...
"Pass the Phrase" is an intriguing phrase generator for your iPhone/iPad. It creates millions of sweetly memorable random multi-syllable or multi-word phrases,…
With the clever application of a laser printer, glue, thread, and some card stock, [m145mcc] has a handy password generator that fits in his pocket. All that’s needed to build a password is a single die, a pen, and some patience. The EFF’s random passphrase list is based off [...