无论具体起源如何,"elephant in the room"这个短语在英语中的使用频率越来越高,用以描述人们面对明显的问题却选择避而不谈的情况。它已成为一种简洁且生动的方式来让人们认识到存在的问题,并鼓励他们勇于直面、解决难题,以便能够取得更好的结果和关系。 "Elephant in the room" is a commonly used English slang ...
A considerable number of alterations exist for the phrase, but the only other generally used one is “the elephant in thelivingroom.” Some people enjoy using different large animals in place of ‘elephant’ to convey the message: “the velociraptor in the room,”“the whale in the room” ...
17. He spoke in simple phrase, so that the children understood him. 他用简单的话语来表达,以便让孩子们都能听懂。 18. The poem phrase painting participate the formation of the park thing elephant view; Poem phrase painting to the body of park artistic conception now; The poem phrase painting...
It is obvious that if students value highly their test scores, then a great amount of their self-respect is put in the number. Students who perform poorly in the exam are left feeling that it is all over.The low test score, they think, will make it impossible for them to get into a...
◆RegularandIrregularpluralRegularpluralisformedbyadding-sor–estothebase.Irregularpluralisformedbyothermeanssuchasbychangingtheinternalvowelorbychangingtheendingofthenoun.不同国家的人的单复数 名称总称(谓语用复数)一个人两个人中国人theChineseaChinesetwoChinese瑞士人theSwissaSwisstwoSwiss澳大利亚人theantwo...
Even 14 years ago in 2000, the University of Cambridge found memorization to be measurably difficult, and yet we continue on with passwords, expecting it to one day work out for us. Indeed, as the old adage goes, "The definition of insanity is doing something over and over, and expecting...
Either way, by c. 1200 it had replaced the usual Old English word for "bread," which washlaf(seeloaf(n.)). The extended sense of "food, sustenance in general" (late 12c.) is perhaps via the Lord's Prayer. The slang meaning "money" dates from 1940s, but comparebreadwinner, andbrea...
"Elephant in the room"是一个常用的英语俚语,用于形容一个明显存在却被人们避而不谈的尴尬或难以解决的问题。这个短语存在已久,其具体起源并无确切的历史记载,但有几种可能的解释。 一种解释是,这个短语可能源自19世纪的马戏团。传统上,马戏团中经常会在表演期间引入真正的大象。当大象被带入小型马戏团的帐篷或...