【Arnel's Everyday English】英语学习中最重要的一个部分「动词短语phrasal verbs」|170个动词短语等你解锁 21:52 【Arnel's Everyday English】直播线上英语课程|容易饭犯的语法错误🙅❌ 01:11:31 【Arnel's Everyday English】位置变化(运动)介词 - to, from, past, into, onto, along, across 16...
I get a real kick out of cooking 我非常享受烹饪 64302:29 master the hang of cooking多多练习,你会掌握烹饪的窍门 56902:43 cooking is by no means a breeze 烹饪绝非易事 50502:43 getting dress 搭配衣服 66402:36 Nutritious breakfast 营养早餐 56303:38 12 get phrasal verbs “get”有关的动词短...
I had to get away from the class because I wasn't feeling well./ I had to leave the lesson because I didn't feel well./ The thief got away./ The thief escaped. zabrać się do czegoś (np. pracy). Cieszę się, że w końcu zabrałeś się do pracy. get ...
3. Sarah had finished watching the video, so now it was time to Choose your answer get out get over get away with get on with get around get around to get along with get by get down to preparing her presentation. She had stopped working on it and now it had to be finished. Check ...
4. 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。go away 走开,离开5. 有时候,理解医生的意思并不简单。get at 理解,到达6. 我花了很长时间克服寒冷。get over 克服,恢复7. 由于糟糕的空气条件,病人人数增加了。go up 上升,增加8. 我无法想象北方的人们如何度过漫长并且寒冷的冬天。get through 度过,熬过(困难时期)...
I'd like to get rid of my old CDs. I got to know lots of Americans when I stayed in San Francisco. 0 C. Phrasal verbs He stopped the car and I got out. I gave her £25, but I'll get it back tomorrow. The door was locked so we couldn't get in. Our train should get ...
动词和介词——之4 动词搭配【Grammar In Use】线上公开课 27:11 Unit136:动词和介词——之5 动词搭配 in into on 等【Grammar In Use】线上公开课 30:50 Unit137:Phrasal verbs 短语动词——之1 整体概念及注意事项【Grammar In Use】线上公开课 20:06 Unit138:Phrasal verbs 2 短语动词——之2 in和...
Phrasal verbs with GET-scb 一组与动词get 相关的短语 Phrasal verbs with GET 23个与动词get 有关的短语,有助于更好地理解英语母语者,同时更加流利地说英文。 1.:to move from place to place or from person to person; to travel; to go to different places without difficulty (各处走动,传播,...
"get off", "get over", "get on", and there's many more phrasal verbs with the word "get...
Topic:Phrasal verbs Aims: -Tolearnthemeaningof10phrasalverbswith‘get’ -Toprovidewrittenandthenspeakingpracticeofthetenphrasalverbs Level:Intermediate Introduction Thislessonisaself-containedlessonwhichpresentstenphrasalverbsinthe contextofadialogue.Studentsfocusonthemeaningofthosephrasalverbs throughavocabularyand...