Instead of 'look after', you could also say 'take care of' ; both have the same meaning, and in fact both are phrasal verbs! 你也可以说"take care of",而不是“look after”,二者意思相同,二者其实都是短语动词! Finally, let's look at the four remaining phrasal ...
take * in + learning Are you taking in all of these phrasal verbs? take * in + deceive a person He was taken in by the con artist. take * in + make smaller when sewing I lost weight, so I need to take some of my skirts to the tailor to have them taken in. take * off when...
This application is dedicated to one of the most complicated topic in the English language — Phrasal Verbs. There are dozens of rules and nuances in this topic, but we have made maybe the easiest way to deal with it. When we face a phrasal verb for the first time, they usually do not...
deal with uprawiać sport go in for sports Nie uprawiam sportu, nie lubię sportu I don't go in for sports czekać/wytrzymywać hold on miej na uwadze bear in mind uciec get away uchodzić komuś na sucho get away with something to go dołuje it...
drop offTemperatures will drop off quickly as northwest winds strengthen. dry offLeave it till it dries off. ease offMy hangover eased off at noon. fall offGrowth fell off sharply as a result of the oil crisis. knock offThey decided to knock 50p off the price of hots drinks. ...