FCE动词短语练习(Phrasal verbs practice).pdf,Phrasal verbs practice Grammar section 2 Verb + preposition When a phrasal verb consists of a verb and a preposition: 1 Meaning and form ● it always has an object. The meaning of some phrasal verbs is clear:
CAMBRIDGE C CAMBRIDGE A INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY DICTIONARY o M of f PHRASAL VERBS PHRASAL VERBS B R I D G Photocopiable Worksheets E About these worksheets These exercises and activities have been designed for use with the Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and the ...
Study the following phrasal verbs and do the corresponding exercises."Put + adv. /prep. "Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.1. We put the tools before we leave the workshop.2. Never put until tomorrow what you can do today.3. We are putting the play ___ aga...
Exercises English Phrasal Verbs - Help with Phrasal Verbs 热度: .english.phrasal.verbs.-.THE.ULTIMATE.PHRASAL.VERB.BOOK().pdf 热度: 《英语中所有动词短语和短语动词》 热度: 相关推荐 1 StressMiddleorLast StressFirst 1.Bangabout 2.Bangonabout 3.Bashabout 4.Beonabout 5.Bossabout 6.Bring...
Study the following phrasal verbs and do the corresponding exercises."Put + adv. /prep. "Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.4. The fire man soon put the fire g5. The doctor told me to put my tongue.6. Another supermarket has been put near our house.7. I ca...
Instruction STEP 1 Read the description of the phrase STEP 2 Choose the correct option STEP 3 Add phrases you like to Favorites All Phrasal Verbs Phrases Idioms Back Repeat Next
Phrasal_Verbs_Exercises英语习题Bring + Prepositions Preposition Practice 1. His heart attack was brought 2. I didn't realize he had gotten divorced. I'm so embarrassed - I wish I hadn't brought 3. Your new dress really brings 4. Don't you bring those dirty shoes 5. What exactly did ...
Phrasal Verbs 下载积分: 700 内容提示: Phrasal VerbsVocabulary ExercisesUnit Five Book 3 文档格式:PDF | 页数:10 | 浏览次数:42 | 上传日期:2012-08-22 01:46:02 | 文档星级: Phrasal VerbsVocabulary ExercisesUnit Five Book 3 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 63 p. 2017年云南民族大学东南亚...
BACK TO LIST OF EXERCISES If you're looking for free phrasal verbs worksheets (PDFs), we have a lot on ESLResourceSite.com. Tired of ads? Sign up for our ad-free PREMIUM EDITION for lots of great content! OUR OTHER WEBSITES: BusinessEnglishSite.com ESLResourceSite.com (WORKSHEETS) ...
Exercises English Phrasal Verbs - Help with Phrasal Verbs 热度: prepositional-verbs-and-phrasal-verbs 热度: Idioms and phrasal verbs 热度: PhrasalVerbsList(EnglishClub) Phrasalverbsareusuallytwo-wordphrasesconsistingofverb+adverborverb+preposition.ThinkofthemasyouwouldanyotherEnglishvocabulary.Studythemasyou...