Phrasal verbs are two or more words that together act as a completely new verb with a meaning separate from those of the original words. For example, pick up is a phrasal verb that means to grab or lift, which differs from the definitions of pick and up alone. You can conjugate phrasal...
Phrasal VerbMeaning of the Phrasal VerbExample Add up to To have something build up in combination or along with something that has already happened The chief guest arriving lateadded up tothe existing problems. Ask around To enquire about something to different people ...
The meaning of PHRASAL VERB is a phrase (such as take off or look down on) that combines a verb with a preposition or adverb or both and that functions as a verb whose meaning is different from the combined meanings of the individual words. How to use ph
The meaning of PHRASAL is of, relating to, or consisting of a phrase. How to use phrasal in a sentence.
phras′al verb′ n. a combination of verb and one or more adverbs or prepositions, ascatch on,take off, orput up with, functioning as a single semantic unit and often having an idiomatic meaning not predictable from the meanings of the individual parts. ...
A phrasal verb is a verb like PICK UP, TURN ON, GET ON WITH. These verbs consists of a basic verb + another word or words. The two or three words that make up a phrasal verb form a short 'phrase' - which is why we call them phrasal verbs...
Aphrasal verbconsists of averband aprepositionoradverbthat modifies or changes the meaning; 'give up' is a phrasal verb that means 'stop doing' something, which is very different from 'give'. The word or words that modify a verb in this manner can also go under the nameparticle. ...
English Phrasal Verbs Phrasal Verbs with FALL Phrasal VerbMeaningExample Fall aboutLaugh so much that your entire body moves uncontrollably.“Every time he told the joke people wouldfall aboutlaughing.” Fall apartDisintegrate; break; fall into pieces."My car is so old it'sfalling apart." ...
Another three word phrasal verb is the phrasal verb to get away with.另一个由三词组成的短语动词是 to getaway with。When you get away with something, it means you do something you shouldn't do and you don't get caught.当你逃脱惩罚时,这意味着你做了不该做的事情但没有被抓住。I'm ...
and that functions as a verb whose meaning is different from the combined meanings of the individual words.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines a phrasal verb as “a phrase that consists of a verb with a preposition or adverb or both, the meaning of which is different from the meaning of its...