So when you've finished watching it or even before, you can download that worksheet right down in the description box below for some extra practice. As you probably know, phrasal verbs are made up of a verb with a particle, maybe even two.因此,当你看完本节课程甚至看完之前,你都可以直...
Put on = to dress yourself in something. ("Put on your gloves. It's Cold outside.") Fall for = to begin to love someone. ("He fell for her the minute he saw her.")How to remember English phrasal verbs?1. Phrasal verb = single meaning ...
2)Understandingphrasalverbsthereforeisveryimportantbutoftenitisdifficult tounderstandthemeaningofaphrasalverbfromtheirindividualcomponents e.g.putupwith. 2.Presentationofphrasalverbs •Thisactivitywillprovideacontextfortenphrasalverbswithgetwhichthe studentswilluseinlaterstagesofthelesson.Thedialogueonworksheet1alsopr...
PAGE GRAMMAR-GUIDE ( the verb to do as an auxiliary and a main verb, do as a phrasal verb with meanings and examples and collocations with do) worksheet Auxiliary verbs worksheets: DON´T - DOESN´T - DIDN´T - ISN´T - AREN´T ...