PHQ-9 线以下,下巴以上的面孔图像,双耳、头发及颈 和PHQ-2 对于抑郁症状的 敏感 性均低于HAMD。 部使 用黑色填充覆盖, 最后在控制比例的情况下 结 论两 者PHQ-9 和PHQ- 2 均能 够良好地评 将所有处理后的图片高度设置为 3 0 0 像素,得 到一 估抑郁症住 院患 者的心理特性, 均具有良好的信 系列...
PHQ-9andPHQ-2forScreeningDepressionin ChineseRuralElderly Zi-weiLiu,YuYu,MiHu,Hui-mingLiu,LiangZhou,Shui-yuanXiao* DepartmentofSocialMedicineandHealthManagement,XiangyaSchoolofPublicHealth,CentralSouth University,Changsha,Hunan,China * ...
(PHQ-9) Alone, and for PHQ-2 Scores of 2 or Greater Followed By PHQ-9 View LargeDownload The figure is for the 44 studies (participants = 10 627; No. with major depression = 1361) that used a semistructured reference standard and had both PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 item scores ...
HIV patients are more likely than the general population to develop depression. The PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 demonstrated good psychometric properties, implying that they might be helpful as depression screening tools.
Are PHQ-9 and PHQ-2 Depression Score Cutoffs the Best Cutoffs for Determining Significant Depression in Pts with HF and Mild-Moderate Symptoms?Ratsmyocardial infarctionradiofrequency ablationheart failureBackground: The purpose of the Current study was to create a model of myocardial infarction (MI...
Using a reference standard, we aimed to validate the 2- and 9-question Patient Health Questionnaires (PHQ-2 and PHQ-9) in primary care settings. The PHQ-2 comprises the first 2 questions of the PHQ-9.关键词: Humans Mass Screening Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted Questionnaires Prevalence ...
Participants completed the PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 via a touchscreen computer. Depression was defined as a PHQ-9 score ≥10. The area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were calculated. The PHQ-2 had good overall accuracy relative ...
concluded that the PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 were "valid/reliable for assessing DSM-IV depressive disorders and depression severity among adults living with HIV/AIDS in Western Kenya" 1 . However, they did not actually use any accepted assessment tool to diagnose DSM-IV depressive disorders. Instead, ...
结论 PHQ-9与PHQ-2都是对于患者抑郁情况的一种筛查工具,其内容均较为简单且临床操作较为简单,两者在恶性肿瘤患者的抑郁筛查中均有较高的信效度,能够有效的对于恶性肿瘤患者的抑郁情况进行筛查。而PHQ-9相对于PHQ-2而言,其本身的敏感度更好,而PHQ-2相对于PHQ-9而言,其操作更加简便,在临床应用中应根据...