0.96–0.98).Thescoreof3ofPHQ-2showedthehighestYouden’sindexof0.79,withboth sensitivityandspecificitywere0.90andtheAUCwas0.94(95%CI:0.90–0.97). Conclusions BothPHQ-9andPHQ-2arevalidscreeninginstrumentsfordepressionintheruralelderly inChina,withrecommendedcut-offscoresof8and3respectively. ...
potential minor modifications to its instructions, high factor loadings, a pattern of item means similar to US validation samples, high internal consistency, and moderate test-retest reliability, we believe our conclusion that the PHQ-9 and PHQ-2 “appear to be” valid and reliable is warranted....
RESEARCH ARTICLE PHQ-9 and PHQ-2 for Screening Depression in Chinese Rural Elderly Zi-wei Liu, Yu Yu, Mi Hu, Hui-ming Liu, Liang Zhou, Shui-yuan Xiao* Department of Social Medicine and Health Management, Xiangya School of Public Health, Central South University, Chang...
concluded that the PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 were "valid/reliable for assessing DSM-IV depressive disorders and depression severity among adults living with HIV/AIDS in Western Kenya" 1 . However, they did not actually use any accepted assessment tool to diagnose DSM-IV depressive disorders. Instead, ...
中华医学会精神医学分会第十三次全国医学学术会议.其他主题 — 关键字应激反应冗思量表区分度信度精神病超高风险人群和重性抑郁障 效度 碍患者的面孔识别比较研究 中文版病人健康问卷抑郁量表刘珊珊1贾玫晓1尹梦雅1朱虹1杨敬铭1 (PHQ-9 )和PHQ-
抑郁症筛查量表 PHQ-9 是一种常用的心理评估工具,主要用于筛查和评估个体是否存在抑郁症状。它由 9 个问题组成,问题涵盖了抑郁症状的多个方面,如情绪、兴趣、睡眠、食欲、能量等。 PHQ-9 的设计旨在帮助医疗专业人员快速识别可能存在抑郁问题的个体。通过回答这 9 个问题,个体可以自我评估他们在过去两周内的情绪和...
Although screening for unipolar depression is controversial, it is potentially an efficient way to find undetected cases and improve diagnostic acumen. Using a reference standard, we aimed to validate the 2- and 9-question Patient Health Questionnaires (PHQ-2 and PHQ-9) in primary care settings....