我最终至少拥有了单独的容器,其中一个作为启用了 Xdebug 的开发容器。docker-compose.ymlversion: "3"services: production: build: . ports: - "8000:80" volumes: - .:/var/www/html development: build: . ports: - "8080:80"# - "10000:80" also not working volumes: - .:/var/www/html - ./...
Not working xDebug in PhpStorm. Waiting for connection all time. My configuration [Xdebug] zend_extension="c:/openserver/modules/php/PHP-5.6-x64/ext/php_xdebug.dll"xdebug.auto_trace =0xdebug.collect_includes =1xdebug.dump.REQUEST = * xdebug.dump.SESSION = * xdebug.dump.SERVER = REMOTE_AD...
首先下载所需要的xdebug扩展(dll文件放到php ext目录下),然后在php.ini文件末尾添加配置 注意: 配置文件中[xdebug]有一行zend_extension="C:/wamp64/bin/php/php5.6.16/ext/php_xdebug-2.5.2-5.6-vc11-x86_64.dll"就可以了, 不用再在php.ini中添加extension=...phpstorm 配置 xdebug调试工具 转自:http:...
xdebug.remote_port=9000一致 这里主要是配置一个key,端口随意添一个也能用。。。 配置域名和网站的端口###右上角打开监听,变成下图这样就可以了 3.安装chrome浏览器...总体分为三步: 配置本地php.ini文件 修改IDE配置 安装chrome浏览器插件21.配置本地php.ini文件 在php.ini中添加Xdebug配置 [Xdebug 使用...
We have found that it is always required for working between PhpStorm and XDEBUG. Or maybe better: xdebug.remote_connect_back=1 We used the above in it our Vagrant solution WPLib Box which we specifically built to make XDEBUG easy with PhpStorm. ...
使用MacOS Sierra、PhpStorm和Xdebug,在端口80上配置web应用程序(不是从PhpStorm运行)。当浏览到localhost:80/index.php时,PhpStorm不会停止在断点上,当访问外部IP时,PhpStorm会击中断点。我希望使用localhost来进行调试,而不是使用外部IP。是否有办法使PhpStorm与localhost协同工作? P.S. Visu...
The CLI in PHPStorm does not work. See attached Sceenshot. Visiting the site in Windows at XXX.ddev.site works, Xdebug works, CLI does not. Specifically tried to enable CodeSniffer. Actual Behavior \wsl$\Ubuntu\home\cap.ddev\bin\docker-compose exists PHPStorm Docker is set to WSL, PHP...
(即便是通过xdebug_break()主动断点是工作的!),在debug界面会一直报file path is not mapped to any file path on server的错误(其原因就是无注册的server相匹配)。 IDE正常中断点的前提是当IDE侦听调试连接时,在php程序中的xdeubg_break()能够主动断掉!
Learn more about Xdebug 3 in theUpgrade guide. Xdebug Cloud We’ve been working closely withDerick Rethansto support the upcomingXdebug Cloud. It is already included in PhpStorm, and we’ll announce full support as soon as Xdebug Cloud is generally available. Stay tuned!
Startup warnings and errors preventing the debugger from working Debugger cannot connect No Debug Server is Configured Remote file path is not mapped to any file path in project Breakpoints are not being hit Xdebug ignores a breakpoint and stops at a line where no breakpoint is defined A scrip...