sudo systemctl enable mariadb Next, secure your MariaDB installation by running the script, which will prompt you to enter a password for the root user, disallow remote root logins, and remove anonymous users. It will also remove the test database, which by default can be accessed by anonym...
For compatibility with PHP 6, remove a set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); statement that you might find near the end of your configuration file.You should not copy libraries/config.default.php over because the default configuration file is version-specific....
For compatibility with PHP 6, remove a set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); statement that you might find near the end of your configuration file.You should not copy libraries/config.default.php over because the default configuration file is version-specific....
The username/password you specify in the login-dialog are invalid. You have already setup a security mechanism for the phpMyAdmin-directory, eg. a .htaccess file. This would interfere with phpMyAdmin's authentication, so remove it. [Browsers or client OS]I...
For compatibility with PHP 6, remove a set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); statement that you might find near the end of your configuration file.You should not copy libraries/config.default.php over because the default configuration file is version-specific....
For compatibility with PHP 6, remove a set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); statement that you might find near the end of your configuration file.You should not copy libraries/config.default.php over because the default configuration file is version-specific....
combined with high efficiency and an easy-to-use interface, NTC Hosting has included the already established PHPMyAdmin database manager in each of itshostingplans. Using this unique software you can create, edit, delete and back up database tables, and also optimize your database, remove errors...
For compatibility with PHP 6, remove a set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); statement that you might find near the end of your configuration file.You should not copy libraries/config.default.php over because the default configuration file is version-specific....
For compatibility with PHP 6, remove a set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); statement that you might find near the end of your configuration file.You should not copy libraries/config.default.php over because the default configuration file is version-specific....
target mysql version“设置为5.5.60.当它为您生成sql时,它将避免使用新的版本8特性。