没有对应的苹果版,点击下载的是:phpMyAdmin For Windowsv5.1.2 官方版介绍相关推荐 评论(0)mysql管理工具 phpMyAdmin mysql图形化工具 phpMyAdmin一个用PHP编写的,可以通过互联网控制和操作MySQL,通过phpMyAdmin可以完全对数据库进行操作,例如建立、复制、删除、导出、导入数据等 phpMyAdmin介绍 phpMyAdmin是一个以PHP为基础...
1. 多国语言支持:phpMyAdmin 3.1.0 For Windows全语言版含简体中文,特别为Windows操作系统设计,提供多种语言支持,包括简体中文界面,使得非英语母语的用户也能方便地使用此工具进行数据库管理。 2. 数据库管理功能:phpMyAdmin可以创建、删除和重命名数据库,以及执行SQL查询和命令,用户可以通过Web界面轻松管理自己的MySQL...
Furthermore, by installing Apache on Windows WSL, users can use the most popular open-source web server that powers most websites online. Apache is fast, secure, and easy to configure, making it an excellent choice for hosting web applications. Installing phpMyAdmin with Apache on Windows WSL ...
一,wamp工具 wamp它是windows apache mysql php的缩写,表示的意思是说,我拥有这些东西。 http://www.wampserver.com/en/download.php 安装我就不说了,一直下一步就搞定了。在这儿我主要说说wamp装好后,它提供一些什么服务,是不是很人性化的管理php ,mysql,apache等。看下图: wamp 1,localhost就是跳到wamp信息...
- issue Added support for `BETWEEN` and `NOT BETWEEN` on the query generator - issue #17480 Added an option in the SQL box to "Format as a single line" - issue Add support for `INSERT IGNORE` into for non table imports 5.2.3 (not yet released) ...
11. Now, it’s crucial to verify the webserver’s status. This check confirms that the Apache server is running smoothly after the phpMyAdmin installation. sudo systemctl status apache2 Look for a response indicating the Apache webserver service is active (running), as shown in the screensh...
I am running the WAMP 2.2 server (Apache 2.4.2 / PHP 5.4.3 / MySQL 5.5.24) on Windows 7 64 bit. What worked for me is the following: Press the startup WAMP icon in the menu Choose Apache folder Choose the file httpd.conf Under the Directory tab section (...
Most light weight local portable web server with Apache, PHP, MySQL and PHPMyAdmin for Windows on the Web. Just unzip enywhere (including USB flash drive), run and start using. - xmento/USBWebServer
For a full explanation of possible configuration values, see the Configuration Section of this document. Instead of manually editing config.inc.php, you can use the Setup Script. First you must manually create a folder config in the phpMyAdmin directory. This is a security measure. On a Linux...
For a full explanation of possible configuration values, see the Configuration Section of this document. Instead of manually editing config.inc.php, you can use the Setup Script. First you must manually create a folder config in the phpMyAdmin directory. This is a security measure. On a Linux...