```php// 示例代码:创建新的论坛主题$theme_name = 'Dark Mode'; // 主题名称$theme_description = '适合夜间使用的深色主题'; // 主题描述$theme_css = '.body { background-color: #333; color: #fff; }'; // 主题CSS样式// 插入新主题到数据库$sql = "INSERT INTO " . THEMES_TABLE . " ...
We can create a new theme for any version of your phpBB forum from a design you might have or create a new design. phpBB styles (themes) will make your forum more attractive and more professional. $ per hour* $/hour for our hosting customers and $/hour for others phpBB installation ser...
}if($userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) {// user logged in --> save new style ID in user profile$sql ="UPDATE ". USERS_TABLE ." \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET user_style = ". $theme['themes_id'] ."\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE user_id = ". $userdata['user_id'];if(!$db->...
From ultra-modern layouts to more retro-inspired themes, you'll find them all here. Stop what you're doing and look around; you could just find something that suits your own style. Creating Personalized Style The exciting part now is developing your unique style! You may achieve any design...
When it comes to customizing your phpBB forum demo, you should know there aren’t any predefined phpBB themes available, but you can install and create styles for phpBB3 that will change its design. You can also expand current features by installing new extensions, modules and plugins that ...
We are always adding more themes so please check back regularly if you do not see the theme you are looking for. Feel free to contact us with your suggestions as well by clicking the contact link in the main menu. Login Form Username ...
($phpbb_root_path . 'install/update/new/adm/style', $phpbb_admin_path . 'style'); $paths = array_filter($paths, 'is_dir'); $template->set_custom_style(array(array('name' => 'adm', 'ext_path' => 'adm/style/')), $paths); $template->assign_vars(array('S_USER_LANG' => ...
But when you create a bbtonuke in the same make as the bbtonuke's, the problems with adding mods, themes, updates startover again. In my opinion, leave the forum as is. Instead, make a connector from nuke to the forum so the users are interchangable. ...
This mod basically adds a new field on registration where you can create any question/answer combo you want. In my case I used the basic “Is fire hot or cold?” question but you can use whatever you like. You set this question up on the “General” => “User Registration Setting” ...
(Similar links were present in the default phpBB2 theme and still exist in some other phpBB3 themes but are missing from prosilver.) Install:If you have Greasemonkey installed then you should be able to add the script by clicking this link:...