PHP与SQL Server连接通常依赖于特定的扩展模块,例如 sqlsrv 或 mssql 扩展。 扩展选择 : 根据需要选择安装 sqlsrv 扩展(针对Microsoft Driver for PHP for SQL Server)或 mssql 扩展。 安装扩展 : 在Linux环境下,可以通过包管理器安装 php-sqlsrv 和 php-mssql 包。在Windows环境下,需要下载相应的扩展DLL文件...
php$serverName= "纪庆";$connectionOptions=array("UID"=>"sa","PWD"=>"123456","Database"=>"master");$conn= sqlsrv_connect($serverName,$connectionOptions);if($conn===false){die('不能打开连接'); }$tsql= "SELECT TOP 3 * FROM spt_values";//注意,这里是mssql,不能用limit$result= ...
$arrayOfTransientErrors =array('08001','08002','08003','08004','08007','08S01');for($cc =1; $cc <= $maxCountTriesConnectAndQuery; $cc++) {// [A.2] Connect, which proceeds to issue a query command.$conn = sqlsrv_connect($serverName, $connectionOptions);if($conn ===true) {ec...
Connection Resiliency Comparing Execution Functions Direct Statement Execution and Prepared Statement Execution in the PDO_SQLSRV Driver Retrieving Data Updating Data Converting Data Types Handling Errors and Warnings Logging Activity Using Always Encrypted with the PHP Drivers for SQL Server ...
sqlsrv_connect方法是用来建立一个与服务器的连接。这里所展示的代码(从产品文档中的示例应用程序)建立了一个与本地服务器的连接,并且指定AdventureWorks数据库为使用的数据库: 复制 $serverName = "(local)"; $connectionOptions = array("Database"=>"AdventureWorks"); /* Connect using Windows Authentication...
accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) 这是mssql连接过程中,连接mssql ip地址不通 ...
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo); //Initiate transaction. sqlsrv_begin_transaction( $conn ); //Initialize parameter values. $money = 10; $accountId = 1; // Set up and execute the first query. $tsql1 = "UPDATE BankAccount SET Checking = (C...
sqlsrv_connect("servername", $connectionInfo); $column2 = getColumn($conn2); sqlsrv_query($conn2, "DROP TABLE xml_table"); sqlsrv_close($conn2); function getColumn($conn) { $tsql = "SELECT * from xml_table"; $stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, $tsql); sqlsrv_fetch($stmt); // ...
Learn about the different methods to connect to the database using the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server.
<?php $serverName = ",1433"; $connectionOptions = array("Database"=>"yourdatabase", "Uid"=>"yourusername", "PWD"=>"yourpassword"); //Establishes the connection $conn = sqlsrv_connect($serverName, $connectionOptions); //Select Quer...