今天配置一个以前的PHP项目,当数据库、服务器都配置好以后,php也更改为合适版本以后,项目运行后一直显示DataBase Connection Failed,检查项目 config_mysql.inc.php 文件中的数据库参数也没发现错误,苦恼了好久 后来发现是因为没有打开PHP中的extension扩展导致的,打开php/php.ini文件,搜索extension ,如下图: 然后将...
$db =newDatabaseConnection(); $conn = $db->createConnection(); $parentArray =array();//Associate Array with ArtefactCode and ArtefactPID//$single = array('Photos');$NoChild =array();//Query to Get Parent elements$parentQuery ="select artefactname,artefactcode from artefact\n\t\t\t\t...
$databaseConnection->databaseConnect(); $sql ="select * from scudsbook_store_info"; $result = mysqli_query($databaseConnection->conn, $sql); $i =1;if($result->num_rows >0) {// output data of each rowwhile($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {$this->_store_name[$i] = $row['...
First, we are going to open a connection with a database and after opening the database, we can perform different functions such as adding, deleting, updating and altering records. Learn PHP programming and MySQL from scratch with an online course at Udemy.com How to open a connection with ...
After SSL is enabled, an error message is displayed when a database is connected to using commands.Check whether the connection command uses SSL.Enable SSL and use an SSL
php $database = "BLUDB"; # Get these database details from $hostname = "<Host-name>"; # the web console $user = "<User-ID >"; # $password = "<Password>"; # $port = 50000; # $ssl_port = 50001; # # Build the connection string # $driver = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER...
Install Oracle Database 11.2 2 . Start DRCP connection pooling: sqlplus / as sysdba execute dbms_connection_pool.start_pool(); execute dbms_connection_pool.restore_defaults(); 3 . Create a user named PHPHOL with password of 'welcome'. Install Oracle's sample HR schema and make the...
This quickstart provides a PHP code sample you can use to connect and query data from Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single Server.
Integrate MySQL and PHP using ODBC Driver 32/64-bit by Devart. Sync MySQL data to PHP with direct connection. Free 30 days trial!
When using AttachDBFilename, if you do not specify the name of the database with the Database connection string keyword, the database will be removed from the LocalDB instance when the application closes. Specify a LocalDB instance in your connection string. For example, here is a sample ...