The first conclusion I came to is that, in the default download version of phpinfo( ), “Configuration File (php.ini) Path” is hard-wired to report C:\WINDOWS whether php.ini is there or not. Further, that C:\WINDOWS is not a default search location (at least not on XP). However...
1、下载PHP压缩包,地址:,我下载的是PHP7.0 Thread Safe 版本,如下图: 2、解压压缩包,我解压后如下: 安装MySQL 1、我安装的MySQL55版本,这里不介绍MySQL的安装方式,大家可以自己去网上搜 2、MySQL官方下载地址:、MySQL默认安装目录...
Windows macOS Linux 包含30 天免费试用的评估许可证密钥。 下载.exe (Windows) 包含30 天免费试用的评估许可证密钥。 下载.dmg (Apple Silicon) 选择适用于 Intel 或 Apple Silicon 的安装程序 包含30 天免费试用的评估许可证密钥。 下载.tar.gz (Linux) ...
这样,即使出现意外情况,也可以轻松还原服务器到升级之前的状态。 5. 下载和安装最新版PHP:在确定兼容性和备份工作完成后,前往PHP官方网站(下载最新的Windows PHP安装程序(Windows PHP Installer)。根据服务器的系统架构(32位或64位)选择下载对应的安装程序。下载后双击运行安装程...
(Thread Safe): 【这里多说一句,由于数据库管理工具phpMyAdmin的兼容性还没有做好,目前应该只支持7.2及以下版本的PHP,所以如果想用...MySQL: phpMyAdmin:" AddHandler...
下载Composer安装程序:在官方网站(上面找到Windows Installer,下载最新版本的安装程序。 运行Composer安装程序,按照提示进行安装。默认情况下,Composer会被安装在C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin下。 配置环境变量:将Composer的bin目录添加到系统环境变量Path中,这样就可以在命令行界面使用...
Windows macOS Linux Download the installer .exe. note There is a separate installer for ARM64 processors. Run the installer and follow the wizard steps. On the Installation Options step, you can configure the following: Create a desktop shortcut for launching PhpStorm. Add the directory with Ph...
How to install PHP on Windows 10 Take the following actions to install PHP on your computer: Download PHP First, you must download the PHP installer from the website below. You can download either the 32-bit or 64-bit version, depending on your Windows 10 version. Official website: https...
1. 下载PHP-FPM安装文件:首先,到PHP官方网站(上下载适合你的Windows版本的PHP-FPM安装文件。选择对应的PHP版本和CPU架构(x86或x64)进行下载。 2. 安装PHP-FPM:双击下载的安装文件,按照提示进行安装。选择合适的安装路径,并确保勾选上“将PHP添加到系统环境变量”选项,以便在任...
Downloadand run the latest release and in the majority of cases this is all you need to do. The install process is described in more detail below. Composer-Setup is written withInno Setup, which is a powerful free installer for Windows programs. ...