and are getting the data from a database, Make sure that you have the database set the the correct encoding, I had the database set as latin1_swedish_ci and all of the data looked perfect, Infact when i copied it into a online unserialize it worked fine. I changed the collation to...
and are getting the data from a database, Make sure that you have the database set the the correct encoding, I had the database set as latin1_swedish_ci and all of the data looked perfect, Infact when i copied it into a online unserialize it worked fine. I changed the collation to...
and are getting the data from a database, Make sure that you have the database set the the correct encoding, I had the database set as latin1_swedish_ci and all of the data looked perfect, Infact when i copied it into a online unserialize it worked fine. I changed the collation to...
分析数据发现,序列化的数据中有一些信息是冗余的,我10W条数据,其实对我有用的就是有些统计信息 比如说{s:2:"pv";i:0;s:2:"uv";i:0;s:8:"topCount";i:0;s:10:"eliteCount";i:0;s:12:"articleCount";i:0;s:10:"replyCount";i:0;s:14:"unionUserCount";i:0;s:6:"online";i:0;s:...
Test and run unserialize online in your browser. unserialize() takes a single serialized variable and converts it back into a PHP value.
$obj = unserialize($data);运行结果展示,这里对象回收流程是先创建的后回收,类似与栈机制先进后出。 代码分析这个shell类首先看见的就是__wakeup方法,将变量command赋值为空,然后就是__destruct方法,如果变量command不为空则执行该命令。然后我们可控点只有变量data,但是反序列化数据时,又要先调用__wakeup方法,因此...
print_r(unserialize($ser)); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 输出展示,类方法并没有参与序列化这里的\000代表一个字符即chr(0)所展示的字符,由于不可见,经常使用URL编码来展示。 private---%00类名%00成员名 protected---%00*%00成员名 ...
虽然这个版本也还不坏,但是你应当尽量升级到这个系列的最新的稳定版本 - PHP 5.62018 年之后将不再收到安全更新。由于不向后兼容的的情况不多,因此升级其实很容易。如果你不确定哪个特性在哪个版本中引入的,请到php.net网站查看吧。 内置的 web 服务器
__wakeup(),执行unserialize()时,先会调用这个函数 __toString(),类被当成字符串时的回应方法 __invoke(),调用函数的方式调用一个对象时的回应方法 __set_state(),调用var_export()导出类时,此静态方法会被调用。 __clone(),当对象复制完成时调用 ...
public__unserialize(array$data):void serialize()函数会检查类中是否存在一个魔术方法__serialize()。如果存在,该方法将在任何序列化之前优先执行。它必须以一个代表对象序列化形式的 键/值 成对的关联数组形式来返回,如果没有返回数组,将会抛出一个TypeError错误。