获取特定交易对的交换价格: API端点:https://api.coinbase.com/v2/prices/{base_currency}-{quote_currency}/spot 方法:GET 描述:该接口返回了特定交易对的即时交换价格,其中base_currency是基础货币代码,quote_currency是报价货币代码。 例如,如果想获取比特币(BTC)兑美元(USD)的交换价格,可以发送GET请求...
$ composer require codenix-sv/coingecko-api or add "codenix-sv/coingecko-api":"^1.0" Basic usage Example useCodenixsv\CoinGeckoApi\CoinGeckoClient;$client=newCoinGeckoClient();$data=$client->ping(); You can get last response (ResponseInterface::class) usesgetLastResponsemethod: ...
okcoinusd ({ apiKey: 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY', secret: 'YOUR_SECRET_PRIVATE_KEY', }) const exchangeId = 'binance' , exchangeClass = ccxt[exchangeId] , exchange = new exchangeClass ({ 'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY', 'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET', 'timeout': 30000, 'enableRateLimit': true, ...
CryptoZoon is -5.42% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of $ 743.58M USD. LIVE CRYPTO PRICE CHARTS, NEWS in multiple currencies including US … VISIT This is a complete list of sources that I found to be helpful in researching Cryptozoon To Php. If there are any other...
据Coingecko 数据显示,PayPal 推出的美元稳定币 PayPalUSD(PYUSD)市值在上周末出现较大幅度下降,从 3.04 亿美元减少至当前约 2.64 亿美元,降幅接近 15%。另据链上数据显示,当前 PYUSD 总供应量为 264,448,230.1 枚,链上总持有地址数 6,140 个,链上交易数量为 50,11
Radiant Capital的原生代币为$RDNT,代币总量10亿枚。据CoinGecko数据端口显示,$RDNT目前流通量约2.61亿,占比约26.13%。 4.1 供给 4.1.1 代币分配 初始10亿枚代币分配情况如下: 表4–1 $RDNT代币分配明细 图4–1 $RDNT代币分配明细图[17] 图4–2 $RDNT代币释放时间表 ...
PAAL AI 工具包括 MyPaal、AutoPaal、AutoPaal X。PAAL AI 得到 Google Cloud 与 CoinGecko 的支持。PAAL AI 还孵化了 AI 数据基础设施 AIT Protocol。 PAAL AI Tokens PAAL 总供应量为 10 亿枚,流通供应量约为 6.5 亿枚,市值约为 1 亿美元。
According to CoinGecko, in one day the volume of spot trading is more than $14 billion, and the volume of derivatives is almost $50 billion. France is the first of the major EU countries to allow the operation of the Binance crypto exchange The move makes France the first major European...
以下是目前Coingecko列出的,流通量在3000万美元以上的去中心化稳定币。 RAI的流通市值不足千万美元,而且衡量稳定币发展的重要指标如持币人数、TVL、转账次数等也远远不如上述项目。虽然业务数据全面落后,但笔者仍然认为RAI具有不俗的竞争优势,体现在: 非法币锚定 ...