In the example above, we set the DateInterval object to P1D, which means a period of one day. We then subtracted that interval from the current date. If you would like to subtract five days instead of one day, then you can use P5D instead of P1D. If you want to subtract a day fr...
So here is the way to subtract time from a current DateTime. Subtract 1 day with PHP form current date: Using the strtotime() Method to Subtract Days in PHP Sample Code: <?php // current time in PHP $datetime = date("Y-m-d "); // print current time echo $datetime; echo "\n"...
// subtract 1 day $dtTo->sub(new DateInterval('P1D') ); // convert to iso date for database use $dFrom = $dtFrom->format('y-m-d'); $dTo = $dtTo->format('y-m-d'); $dFrom 和 $dTo 是可以在查询中使用的日期格式SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE DateRange between $dFrom AND $...
Write a PHP script to add/subtract the number of days from a particular date.Sample Solution:PHP Code:<?php $dt='2011-01-01'; // Assigning the date '2011-01-01' to the variable $dt. echo 'Original date : '.$dt."\n"; // Outputting the original date. $no_days = 40; // ...
date_add($date,date_interval_create_from_date_string('10 days')); echodate_format($date,'Y-m-d'); ?> 以上例程会输出: 2000-01-11 示例#2 FurtherDateTime::add()例程 <?php $date= newDateTime('2000-01-01'); $date->add(newDateInterval('PT10H30S')); ...
DateTimeImmutable::sub— Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds 说明 public DateTimeImmutable::sub(DateInterval $interval): DateTimeImmutable Returns a new DateTimeImmutable object, with the specified DateInterval object subtracted from the specified DateTimeImmutable object. ...
例如,当为一个用户创建一个试用期时,你将希望试用期在一定时间后过期。假设我们有 30 天的试用期。我们可以用add和subtract很容易的计算出时间。 在这段试用期内,我们会: // 获取当前时间 $current = Carbon::now(); // 添加 30 天到当前时间
Example 4: Add or subtract days from a given date in PHP Thestrtotime($originalDate . " +$daysToAdd days")adds the specified number of days to the original date. <?php$originalDate="2023-04-10";$daysToAdd=7;$newDate=date("Y-m-d",strtotime($originalDate." +$daysToAdddays"));...
var_dump ( $date1 > $date2 ); ?> 以上例程会输出: 1 2 3 bool(false) bool(true) bool(false)参见 DateInterval::format() - Formats the interval DateTime::add() - Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds to a DateTime object DateTime::sub() - Subtract...